Reefer Madness (1938)
Rating: 1 Severed Head
If you havn't heard of this one you must live on Pluto. A camp classic from the thirties about the dangers of Marihuana, filled with hilarious sterotypes of the day. It doesn't take much hangin' round the Get-High Shack to figure out this one's full of some ridiculous stuff. For insatnce, let's compare the sterotypical stoner of the 1930's and Today...
What Has This Movie Taught Us?
-Drug rings can only be stamped out by the PTA
-Marijuana is more vicious and deadly than heroin
-The secret to good gravy is three heaping teaspoons of olive oil
-Marijuana turns women into horny sex fiends
-Standards of beauty have changed a bit in 65 years
-Marijuana gives you superhuman endurance so you can smash out all those crazy jazz numbers on the piano
-Marijuana addicts do things like kill their family with an axe, or get gang-raped by 5 guys
Memorable Moments:
01min- Marihuana, Public Enemy Number 1!!!
04min- Even my hamlet?!
12min- And my grandparents say that my generation dances stupid
14min- I heard if you play that jazz music backwards it has hidden satanic messages
16min- These kids are sugary enough to give the cast of Leave it to Beaver diabetes
18min- Gosh, this sure is a swell way to make me vomit
19min- Sodapop must be as bad as the dreaded Marihuana
23min- No thanks, I'll just smoke this harmless tabacco
26min- Slow down! You're going 45 mph!
28min- Oh great, this guy again
33min- 1938's version of a sex scene
44min- How could anyone take this guy seriously? He acts so evil...
45min- Only a sick and twisted individual would ever laugh at Shakespeare!
48min- The sub-headline reads: "Dick Tracy, G-Man in sensational raid" No joke!
52min- The jury isn't the only thing that's hung in this room (teehee)
Don't Quote Us On That:
"You're always squaking about something. You got more static than the radio."

"The next tragedy might be that of your daughter...or your son...or yours...or yours....
or YOURS!"
The story follows a group of teens who go from making the Brady Bunch look like the Manson family, to becoming murderous rebel youths with no self-control, all because of the demon weed Marihuana (by the way, that's really how they spell it in this movie).
I guess this would be a pretty good laugh while hittin' the ol' wizard bong, if it wasn't so tedious as to be boring while
not stoned out of your mind. However, a true pot-head will laugh at anything regardless. But beware the next time you toke it up! You might go marijuana mad and go on a killing spree... or you might kill a whole bag of BBQ chips... it's your choice I suppose.
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