Return of The Fly (1959)
Rating: 3 Severed Heads
This review could be subtexted "When Sequels Go Bad". Of course, this movie is following up on the original 1958 classic The Fly which one can admit are some mighty big boots to fill.
In this film, Philippe, the son of the first scientist to turn himself into a human fly, continues where his father had left off in his experiments with matter transportation. Only this time, his greedy pain in the ass parter throws Philippe into the transporter guessed it...a common house fly;
and following in his father's footsteps, becomes a hideous fly-man.
The film is shot in Black & White, which is a glorius improvment over
The Fly which was shot in Super-Duper-Enough-Color-To-Give-You-A-Toothache Technicolor, which may go well for
Gone with the Wind, but sucks in a horror film.
But after that, all bets of this film being in any way superior to the orginal are off. First off, when we see The Fly's head in the original movie, it is a humanoid head with the shocking characteristics of a fly. While in this movie, The Fly's head is ridculously over-sized (you see him hit his head into a tree branch once and a hanging lamps twice) and silly looking, like some one stuck a giant fly pinata on his head. Plus, in the orginal film, we don't get to see the face of The Fly until the last precious moments of the film. In the sequal, we see the damn thing so much you begin to not even notice it.
Oh yeah, there's also the horrifying image in the first movie of the fly with a ghastly human head and arm caught in spider's web, which in this movie has become a still photo of a fly with a hilarious projection of Philippe's head over the fly's (and I might mention, no human arm or leg).
Return of The Fly truely succeeds the orginial only in being a great bad movie.
What Has This Movie Taught Us?
-Reel-to-reel tape recorders play an important role in matter transportation
-The common house-fly is a muderous blood-thirsty killing machine
Memorable Moments:
22min- Pasta...feeding organized crime for over 50 years
30min- It dosen't appear to have transported all of that guinea pig's hair
39min- The size of those hands seems a little inconsistent
47min- Whew! Good thing these transportors have a back door too
52min- I guess that gigantism problem wasn't fixed after all... Look at the size of that head!
66min- Couldn't they have re-shot that where he didn't hit his massive head into a lamp, then use that one?
68min- The money the wasted on special effects could have bought some poor kid a Moon Pie
72min- Man! I was hoping he was a zombie!
Don't Quote Us On That:
Francois Delambre:"What if Philippe does not have the mind of a human, but the murderous brain of a fly!?"
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