Round-Up Time in Texas (1937)
Rating: 4 1/2 Severed Heads
With a title like Round-Up Time in Texas, it would seem that the location for the unfolding events in this film would be pretty clear...Texas, right? Wrong!
An obscure Gene Autry western that has Gene and buddy Frog rounding up horses to take over to South Africa where Gene's brother Tex Autry has discoved a large diamond mine. But once Gene gets to Africa, he finds his brother missing and wanted for another man's murder. Seeing as how that would break the Cowboy's Code of Ethics, Gene must prove his brother's innocence and bring the true culprit to justice. But first he's got to deal with pesky natives, man eating lions, travel to the Valley of Superstition, not to mention thwart that slimey Mr. Cardigan!
How we do wish that movies could tell a coherant story with action, excitment, and comedy in just under an hour these days. A lot of laughs, and two songs by The Cabin Kids (our favorite performers). Plus that dastardly native Namba, who despite his ethnic background, talks like a sterotypical American Indian, adding "-um" to the end of his verbs.
What Has This Movie Taught Us?
-Gene Autry's singing can bring a town to a standstill
-African natives have unlimited meanings to the word "
-Horses enjoy saloons as much as people
-Deserts and tropical jungles coexist right next to one another
-All white men are bad and must be sacrificed to the fire god
Memorable Moments:
04min- There was the roundup time in Texas, all 20 seconds of it
10min- Barkey, sing that "Chim chimeny" song from Mary Poppins
12min- I love being an American!
21min- Stupid Germans
28min- Oo Ee Oo Ah Ah Ting Tang Walla Walla Bing Bang
29min- Tophats and lepord skin, the new summer fashion for 1937
33min- Look out Satchmo, that kid is a scat machine!
38min- I thought Frog swallowed his harmonica... it must have passed
42min- If this offends you, lighten up you hippie jerk!
45min- Those crazy vine swingin' horny gorillas
53min- I'll be doggone, his nose does look like a pumpkin
Don't Quote Us On That:
Frog: "Gene, I think we could'a kept them hoses outta his saloon at that."

Gene: "Where'd you get that belt buckle?"
Namba: "
Me tradeum knife to native boy for belt boss."
"How long ago?"
"Two, three, four moons. Meetum boy on the river. Likeum belt, makeum quick trade."
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