Silent Night, Bloody Night (1973)
Rating: 2 1/2 Severed Heads
Christmas will never be the same again in this town when an inmate at an insane asylum escapes and starts killing the town folks, one by one. At the same time, Jeffery Butler shows up to sell his grandfather's old mansion that once housed an insane asylum. Do ya think that the two are connected in some way? Now it's a trip back through the torrid history of the town to catch the killer.
Another proto-slasher film that has some of those delicious comic elements that would show up in later films of the genre. All and all,
Silent Night Bloody Night is a little cliche'-ridden, and somewhat hard to follow, but has some great shock-value as well as schlock-value and a plot that will definitaly keep you guessing until the end.
I also like the "madman on the loose" senario, even though it was done to death in the slasher genre. At a bargain bin price, this obscure gem is worth a viewing. Also, the winner of the O.M.M.F.T. award for
"Best axe murder during a sex act"! Plus you just have to love the title...
Note: Not to be confused with later Christmas slasher, Silent Night, Deadly Night (1984) or with Black Christmas (1974), also known as Silent Night, Evil Night.
What Has This Movie Taught Us?
-Maniacs can be identified by their Maniac Cards
-Policemen wear their sunglasses long after dark
-It sucks when the party's always at your house
Memorable Moments:
01min- You're on fire and surrounded by snow. What's wrong with that picture?
03min- Hello, Diamond Entertainment? Yeah, my credits screen just froze up.
06min- Hey, it's "Psycho-Vision"!
11min- Every time that bell rings, an angel gets hit in the stomach with an axe
15min- Ooo, the Paradise Motel...
21min- Bologna and Macaroni? Do you want it served by Tony on a pony?
36min- I'm driving through some sort of blue fog...
- I bet that place smells like bird crap
- Ha, the ol' "take my hand" gag
- Hi, I'm Jesus of Nazareth, I'm here to kill you...
Don't Quote Us On That:
Jeffery: (sarcastic) "Would you like to see my Maniac Card from the asylum? They give you
            one when you escape. Ihere's a big scarlet M on it so people won't get confused."

"How old am I? You mean how many years have I lived?"
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