About Me
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E-Mail Me!
Welcome to my Personal Site!
This is the
Home page.

In this site, it's obviously About Me. There are pictures of me, my beloved family and friends in the Pictures page. There is also the Links page where you can find interesting links there. Go on and explore! The Message page is where you post all kinds of interesting stuff, latest things going around, etc. You really outta check it out! There are more details there for you to read. You can also E-Mail Me letting me know just about anything! If you've got any ideas to make this site more "happening", let me know! I'd really appreciate it! Thanks for dropping by!

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Hey there!

Thanx a for dropping by!!! I'm really grateful that you're taking your time to visit my website here. However, I think I won't be updating my website anymore... Sad to say but sighs... Oh well..

However, if you'd like to, you can drop by at my other site *or rather known as a blog*, which I update frequently *very updated*.
I've made it private, so, you will not be able to access it unless you drop me an
e-mail and I might just allow you to access it ;)

Firstly, you'd have to sign up at
www.modblog.com as a member and give me your username and I'll allow you to access my blog *if I'm convinced that you're not up to something else coz my blog is private and confidential*

This website will not be closed down. It'll just stay the way it is now... Thank you so much for visiting!
I truly appreciate this!!! =)

Always feel free to sign the GuestBook
to leave me a comment or message!!!!
I'll be checking it often ;)
Thanks again & take care!!!
Extra, extra! Read all about it!
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View previous 50 Guestbook posts
last visited/updated
page on
1 February 2005
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