Yahoo! GeoCities Guestbook Join 

First Name :   susahpayah
Last Name :   senanglenang
Where you come from? :   KL(kepong area - bordering selangor)
E-mail :   said oreidi
Website ( if any ) :   
Comments :   KIUT VERY KIUT
First Name :   Sarah
Last Name :   Ng
Where you come from? :   A Planet name Earth- Ipoh
E-mail :   [email protected]
Website ( if any ) :   
Comments :   erm...quit good...but i cant really read wat u wrote..maybe the colours problem..
First Name :   Dia
Last Name :   Edd
Where you come from? :   Morocco
E-mail :   [email protected]
Website ( if any ) :
Comments :   ... ::: Good Luck ::: ...
First Name :   Choo
Last Name :   Kok Wui
Where you come from? :   i dunno, u tell me
E-mail :   kok_wui
Website ( if any ) :   
Comments :   Let Everybody be bestowed with the power to not reach the site!!!!!!I AM DAMN SEXY
First Name :   natasha
Last Name :   ismail
Where you come from? :   YM
E-mail :   [email protected]
Website ( if any ) :
Comments :   cutie site..
First Name :   aKzZz.
Last Name :   SniPz.
Where you come from? :   K.L for Sure
E-mail :   [email protected]
Website ( if any ) :   
Comments :   yeah..this page kindda rox!!....keep it up gurl...ur true supporter here!
First Name :   shrawani
Last Name :   shekhar
Where you come from? :   malaysia.. selangor
E-mail :   [email protected]
Website ( if any ) :   _ ( coming)
Comments :   your web... damn cool... u wait and se.. ill nicer one@!!!! hehhehehe kidding... anyway.. hope everyone will like it!!!!!
First Name :   Shyanne
Last Name :   Wang
Where you come from? :   heaven
E-mail :   [email protected]
Website ( if any ) :   nah no time
Comments :   hope to c u more often at teenz and brighten up the page its so*haha.. muaks luv ya..shy
First Name :   Chiriko Kenny
Last Name :   Tan
Where you come from? :   KL(kepong area - bordering selangor)
E-mail :   [email protected]
Website ( if any ) :   
Comments :   this is my 5th website to have me sign autografss. But i ejoyed the site anyway....Keep up da gooood work....GANBATTE!!
First Name :   Melanie
Last Name :   Ong
Where you come from? :   Kuala Lumpur
E-mail :   [email protected]
Website ( if any ) :   no
Comments :   nice web! :P
First Name :   Regina
Last Name :   Wong
Where you come from? :   Malaysia
E-mail :   [email protected]
Website ( if any ) :   
Comments :   Cool website
First Name :   Michelle
Last Name :   Soh
Where you come from? :   Johore??
E-mail :   [email protected]
Website ( if any ) :   
Comments :   Good work!
First Name :   benson
Last Name :   yap
Where you come from? :   dont tell me you dont know. youRE my sis!
E-mail :   [email protected]
Website ( if any ) :   constructing one that is better than yours! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!
Comments :   If you have watch the movie Darkness,you wouldnt want to come here.Colours are toooooooo GLOOMYYYYY:P . Anyway you dont really put lively colours too brighten up yuor site. This is what you should do: a)put warna-warna panas seperti red,yellow and
First Name :   celine
Last Name :   yap
Where you come from? :   KL
E-mail :   [email protected]
Website ( if any ) :   
Comments :   hey good job.keep it up!!!!!!!!!
First Name :   Rus
Last Name :   Mezani
Where you come from? :   KL......
E-mail :   [email protected]
Website ( if any ) :   -
Comments :   Nice pics.... Cr3Ative....
First Name :   Daisuke
Last Name :   Niwa
Where you come from? :   .... somewhere i can steal paintings
E-mail :   [email protected]
Website ( if any ) :   nile
Comments :   not bad try to make it more interactive and put more color and life in it ....wye ee
First Name :   Preetha
Last Name :   Sukumaran
Where you come from? :   Heaven
E-mail :   [email protected]
Website ( if any ) :   
Comments :   I love it! Its cool and rock on!
First Name :   choo
Last Name :   kok yew
Where you come from? :   my moms stomach
E-mail :   [email protected]
Website ( if any ) :
First Name :   Donald
Last Name :   Liew
Where you come from? :   Malaysia
E-mail :   [email protected]
Website ( if any ) :   
Comments :   This site rocks...keep up the good work
First Name :   ung
Last Name :   jenn
Where you come from? :   KL
E-mail :   [email protected]
Website ( if any ) :   
Comments :   not bad
First Name :   Tanya
Last Name :   Martina
Where you come from? :   Im From Holland
E-mail :   [email protected]
Website ( if any ) :
Comments :   Heey Melissa, your homepage is very nice! Did you know my birthday was on 10 april, haha, very funny. Well lots of Kisses!
First Name :   buvaniya
Last Name :   bukumaron
Where you come from? :   alaska
E-mail :   [email protected]
Website ( if any ) :   
Comments :   this site rocks. even VOLDEMORT would like it
First Name :   Charles
Last Name :   Choy
Where you come from? :   K.L.
E-mail :   [email protected]
Website ( if any ) :   
Comments :   Not bad! Its a good start. Keep it up. Fill your homepage with more content that benefits others, content that would help your visitors to grow. Maybe you would also like to fill in articles that would glorifies the name of God. And peoples testimony of J
First Name :   Musfira
Last Name :   Shaffi
Where you come from? :   Lahore
E-mail :   [email protected]
Website ( if any ) :   
Comments :   this site rox! well done, gurl!
First Name :   christopher
Last Name :   tan
Where you come from? :   ampang
E-mail :   [email protected]
Website ( if any ) :   
Comments :   wow, i cant believe it!!!!!!
First Name :   Dylan
Last Name :   Thai
Where you come from? :   K.L
E-mail :   [email protected]
Website ( if any ) :   not yet
Comments :   Too easy...make some animation
First Name :   Chng
Last Name :   Sherlyn
Where you come from? :   Malaysia
E-mail :   [email protected]
Website ( if any ) :   
Comments :   cool. keep it up
First Name :   benroy
Last Name :   yap
Where you come from? :   johor, malaysia
E-mail :   [email protected]
Website ( if any ) :   
Comments :   i like this website that ure creating.When its done, it must be great. ill keep checkin ur site!
First Name :   Laura
Last Name :   Obubo
Where you come from? :   Nigeria
E-mail :   [email protected]
Website ( if any ) :   
Comments :   cool site
First Name :   Mathen
Last Name :   Philip
Where you come from? :   Malaysia
E-mail :   [email protected]
Website ( if any ) :   
Comments :   VEry cool looking opening screen.for some reason i cant see the pics..HOPE TO COME AGAIN SOOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:):D):):D:):)
First Name :   Lynette
Last Name :   Goh
Where you come from? :   Msia
E-mail :   [email protected]
Website ( if any ) :   
Comments :   Hey...nice site..i like the background...did ya do it yourself or wad? come y hair has bronze, red and brown highlights??? as if there are...
First Name :   fizico
Last Name :   fernandes
Where you come from? :   india
E-mail :   [email protected]
Website ( if any ) :   no
Comments :   
First Name :   Koh
Last Name :   Pei Yin
Where you come from? :   K.L
E-mail :   [email protected]
Website ( if any ) :   
Comments :   
First Name :   Jeshua
Last Name :   Choong
Where you come from? :   Malaysia
E-mail :   [email protected]
Website ( if any ) :   
Comments :   No comments no comments
First Name :   Nikolai
Last Name :   Lim
Where you come from? :   Somewhere I belong!!
E-mail :   [email protected]
Website ( if any ) :
Comments :   Long long time ago in Malaysia..I use to know someone really fat lloking.Now she look good.The good looking is you.. Hie again.I thought you dissapere from earth,but not..Who Cares!!! ps:do not look at my website...NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
First Name :   men xuen
Last Name :   men xuen
Where you come from? :   kl
E-mail :   [email protected]
Website ( if any ) :   nope
Comments :   well done!
First Name :   Sarin
Last Name :   Goyasl
Where you come from? :   india
E-mail :   [email protected]
Website ( if any ) :   
Comments :   I m honest boy, I m physically handicapt boy by birth. I want great friendship with u. Sarin Goyal
First Name :   chiang
Last Name :   kit hou
Where you come from? :   kl
E-mail :   [email protected]
Website ( if any ) :   -
Title :   -
Comments :   keep it up
First Name :   Me
Last Name :   And myself
Where you come from? :   Somewhere around the earth
E-mail :   [email protected]
Website ( if any ) :   emmm..................well, i dun have any
Title :   excuse me, wat title?
Comments :   Em......quite good n creative....
First Name :   yap
Last Name :   khai yaan
Where you come from? :   k.l.
E-mail :   
Website ( if any ) :   
Title :   
Comments :   good..keep going
First Name :   Ronald
Last Name :   Teng
Where you come from? :   Selangor
E-mail :   [email protected]
Website ( if any ) :   
Title :   
Comments :   cool, quite creative n interesting
First Name :   Rose
Last Name :   Tan
Where you come from? :   Earth (duh)
E-mail :   [email protected]
Website ( if any ) :   
Title :   
Comments :   GOOD LUCK N GOD BLESS...
First Name :   Justin
Last Name :   Chan
Where you come from? :   Kuala Lumpur
E-mail :   [email protected]
Website ( if any ) :   
Title :   Silvenger
Comments :   no comment at the time
First Name :   KONG
Last Name :   MUN CHEONG
Where you come from? :   KL
E-mail :   kong_mun_cheong
URL ( if any ) :   
Title :   
Comments :   work hard
First Name :   Shawn
Last Name :   Beck
Where you come from? :   Coruscant
E-mail :   [email protected]
URL ( if any ) :
Title :   Keep it clean
Comments :   Home pages done using these sort of webtools are usually messy. Keep it clean..
First Name :   bob
Last Name :   
Where you come from? :   canada
E-mail :   [email protected]
URL ( if any ) :   
Title :   
Comments :   hi sweetie - i hope i can get the link working to see ur pics
First Name :   celine
Last Name :   yap
Where you come from? :   Johor
E-mail :   [email protected]
URL ( if any ) :   
Title :   GOOD!!!!!!
Comments :   Good website.U should put in more photos of ur self.Also details.
First Name :   Daniel
Last Name :   Loke
Where you come from? :   Malaysia
E-mail :   [email protected]
URL ( if any ) :   
Title :   
Comments :   Hello, I was here for a visit !! Comment: Dont use YELLOW for your font, belly dif to read! Anyway its COOL to have your own site! God Bless, Daniel Goh Goh!
First Name :   Melissa
Last Name :   Yap
Where you come from? :   Malaysia
E-mail :   [email protected]
URL ( if any ) :   this is my site! ;)
Title :   Welcome people!!!
Comments :   Hey everyone! ;) Thanx for visiting my site! Just sign my GuestBook before you leave. Tell me what you think about my site. Thanx again! MeLiSsA~
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