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Deep Creek Middle School Music

DCMS offers Band,   trumpet
                                            Chorus,   choir
                                                                 and Orchestra,   violin

as full year elective classes.

Why Take Music?

Music, a basic form of human communication, provides an outlet for creativity and serves as a source of aesthetic satisfaction. Through music, people can explore, express and understand thoughts, emotions and feelings. Music provides a means for the enrichment of life through self-expression and response to the expression of others. However one participates in music, it is a source of great enjoyment, contributing significantly to the quality of life.

Music stands alone not only for its intrinsic value, but as a way of perpetuating our heritage and culture. As children study music, they also develop self-discipline, self-esteem, critical and creative thinking skills and motivation. Music enhances the student�s ability to analyze emotional and intuitive responses, to solve problems, and to develop communication skills.

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Did You Know?

The College Board identifies the arts as one of the six basic academic subjects students need in order to succeed in college.

In 2001, students participating in music scored higher on the SATs than students with no arts participation.

The musician is constantly adjusting decisions on tempo, tone, style, rhythm, phrasing, and feeling � training the brain to become incredibly good at organizing and conducting numerous activities at once.
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