Copyright - Jenny Dechico 202200523

All images and content herin are copyrighted to the author unless otherwise noted. 
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Manikin Productions and MPinc. are copyrighted to Jenny Dechico 202200523
I work at Aztec Market in SDSU, right beside Tony Gwen Stadium on Remington Road.  If you're ever by there during the school months, stop by and say hello.  i'd like to be freaked out! i really hate my job there, but i love the people i work with.  my favorite book is Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen followed by The Immortals by Tracy Hickman.  Favorite book series are the Dark is Rising Series by Susan Cooper and the Blending Series by Shanon Green.  Favorite movie is Dead Poet's Society.  Favorite colors are black, white, and red.  Loves red roses.  Favorite fetishes are eyes, hands and victorian clothing.
Name: totodedum
Age: 22
Blood Type: ?
Height: 5'2"
Weight: Heavy
Handles: Sanctuary, OneSanctuary, NoSanctuary,
         The Mad Hatter, Tehroniah
Orientation: Bisexual
Sex: Female
Religious Affinity: Athiest, None
Things To Know About Me:
Well, for one thing, i don't like fake-ass people.  i've had more than enough of my share in high school and at this point in my life i don't ever want to be around them again.  i'm the quiet type, so if we're ever in a room with a bunch of people, i'd probably be the invisible one. that's not to say that i can't be part of the activities, of course.  when i get comfortable in my surroundings, i can actually be the loud and silly one.  i'm a bit vain (truth hurts but here you go). i have a LOT of patience.  working in a convenience store and having a younger twin sister who constantly annoys you has brought up my immunity level for bullshit to an incredible all-time high (afterall, didn't they say patience is a virtue?).  when i get mad or pissed off, i can be a real BITCH so watch out.  I like learning things about people.  i think it adds to their dimention as a unique living human being instead of just being a part of a mass of bodies.  i'm quirky and a little wierd - i think something's wrong with me. ^_^ although i do smile a lot that doesn't necessarily mean i'm always happy. i like being around weird people, it adds to the experience of life.  who wants to have a normal day anyway?
Things I Like:
art, sewing, elegant gothic lolita/aristocrat, gothic, cyber, rockabilly, victorian, teddy bears, wierd dolls, charcoal, rough paper, smooth skin, walks in the cold, snow, winter, christmas, christmas lights, music, rage rock, jrock, Due'Le Quarts, costumes, wigs, cookies, chocolate, drawing, sketching, black nail polish, comedy, laughing, analyzing things, designing, blue eyes, marcos gonzales (you're so cute, wanna go out sometime? ^_^), broken hearts, chick flicks, George Michael, The Smashing Pumpkins, breasts, necks, hands, lips, eyes, cofee, pina coladas, coconut, movies, fetish, porn (and what's so bad about that? lol!), quiet, shounen-ai, shoujo-ai, shotakon, walter's memories, black and red clothing...
Things I Hate:
people forcing to make me do things, impatience, ignorance, ill-manners, the smell of hot dogs, mayo, nagging, the past, bible toting assholes with no respect for other religions, g-o-d (yes, i hate that fucker. sorry, long story...), un-padded bras, ants, bug spray, nasty perfume, skanky hos, priests, summer, heat, rudeness, drama queens, snobs, jocks, nervousness, shyness, letting chances slip by, regret, longing, loneliness, scars, words, missing people, drifting...
To be a fashion designer, heavily influenced by visual kei, jrock, and gl/ga.  i want to sew really unique clothing that's flattering to big bodies like myself.  so i guess i would like to go exclusively into plus sized fashion.  that, or make a living out of my art or something.  that would be really sweet.
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