Martial Arts Home Page of
ONG Ming Thong
ONG Ming Thong is trained in various styles of Chinese Martial Arts such as Sao Lim, Tai-ji quan, Xing-yi quan and Ba-gua zhang. Originated from Penang, Malaysia, Ming Thong started his martial art training at the early age with Master P'NG Chye Khim, one of the best known masters in the world, in Buddhist Shao-lin Lohan Style (Sao Lim Hood Kar Pai). He then learnt Xing-yi quan (Form and Mind Boxing) and Tai-ji quan from Master P'NG. Ming Thong has also learnt Ba-gua zhang (Eight Trigramme Palm) from Master LI Gong Cheng from Beijing, China. Master LI is a disciple of The Late Master LI Zi Ming (disciple of The Late Master LIANG Zheng Pu).

  Most of Ming Thong's students are from Europe, especially in Switzerland and France. Some of the senior students teach the styles learnt from him in Europe and Canada.

  Ming Thong  has retired from most of his public martial arts teaching and he is now practising the art with his old friends in Malaysia. Nevertheless, he is involved from time to time in specially organized workshops and small group classes in Malaysia.
Information on Chinese Martial Arts:
              Articles by ONG Ming Thong
              Style description: Sao Lim (Shao-lin), Tai-ji quan, Xing-yi quan, Ba-gua zhang
Classes Conducted By ONG Ming Thong:
Public classes
Private classes
Book by ONG Ming Thong  "Iron Shirt Martial Arts Qi Gong"
Photos: (I), (II), (III)
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