Xing Yi Quan, also called Hsing I Chuan,  can be literally translated as "The Boxing of Form and Mind". It is considered by many martial artists as an internal style in traditional Chinese martial arts.

  It is not really clear when exactly the style has been founded. According to unconfirmed sources, it was founded more than three hundreds years ago. However, it is sure that form the period of Qian Long (Chien Long) during Qing (Ching) Dynasty on, Xing Yi Quan was known to be very popular in He Nan, Shan Xi and He Bei in China.

  The way in which the style is practised varies from a region to others in China. Therefore, there are fundamental differences in the composition of the style taught in these regions. For example, there are twelve-animal forms practised in Shan Xi and He Bei, whereas there are only ten-animal forms practised in He Nan.

  Great masters in Xing Yi Quan have improved and contributed to the progress of theory and practice in the art. The Late Master SUN Lu Tang, for example, had proposed the theory of combination of Xing Yi Quan, Ba Gua Zhang and Tai Ji Quan, which led to the publication of his famous books in the field.

  Today Xing Yi Quan has been spread to many parts of the world. Nevertheless, the understanding of the art still has a long way to go.

  The style of Xing Yi Quan taught by Master ONG is that from He Bei. For the time being, no public class is conducted. Only small number of private classes are held. Those who are interested in pursuing the teaching with Master ONG in private class should contact him via e-mail
[email protected] to make an appointment.
Xing Yi Quan (Hsing I Chuan)
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