The Birmingham Delegation's Visit to Singapore Educational Sites

A Successful Working Trip

A delegation of Birmingham educationists were in Singapore during the period 25 -31 Oct 97 to renew ties with their Singapore counterparts as well as to forge new links.
Here are members of the original team in a picture taken in February 1997.

From left to right : Mr Mel Tennant (Deputy Head of Selly Park Technology College for Girls), Mr Albert Ong (then the Principal of Xinmin Primary School), Charlie the Robin Hood School Mascot, Mr Doug Brown (Technology Specialist of Birmingham County) and Mr David Broadfield (Head Master of Robin Hood Elem School).

For more details about their previous visit and the Project OceanWave, click here.

2 Photos of their recent visit taken at Xinmin Pri School on Mon 27 Oct 97:

The Robin Hood Visitors pose for a picture.

Mr Yong shows off his Chinese Language CD-ROM initiative.

For more pictures, click here.

The UK-Singapore Collaborative Project-Phase 2

Looks like something exciting is happening on the IT front!

Following a meeting with ETD Officers: Mrs Cheng Huey Teng and Mr Albert Ong; Dr John Grote (Director of the British Council) and Mr Martin Tibbetts, a specialist headmaster with an intimate knowledge of Collaborative Projects who was here at the ITELL Conference in Sep 97, teachers in some 30 schools are set to partner 30 UK schools to promote the use of IT in schools through collaborative projects by email.

Photo above shows Dr & Mrs John Grote with one of the partner schools in the UK-Singapore Collaborative Project.

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