1C1-FEU-NRMF medicine


Although nutritional deficiency is often associated with poverty, it is essential to remember that anyone can suffer from nutritional disorders. Although diseases of dietary deficiency are not very common in our society, they still do occur and should not be ruled out by an examining physician simply on the basis of a patient's economic status.
Most of you are probably familiar with the basic functions of the vitamins and minerals which are covered in this goal and at least some of the diseases which can result from deficiencies of these nutrients. If this is the case, then much of the material presented will not be new. You should also be aware of the fact that "new" roles are being discovered for many of the vitamins, such as possible prevention of chemical carcinogenesis by Vitamin A or a role in the regulation of lipolysis for Vitamin C. It is not unlikely that RDA's for some nutrients will be altered as more is learned about their physiological functions or that new therapeutic uses will be found for certain of them.
While it is true that a pregnant woman is eating for two, her nutritional needs do not double. Instead, she should increase her calorie intake to ensure adequate weight gain, and make sure her diet provides the extra vitamins and minerals needed to support the growing fetus.
Protein is essential for building fetal tissues. A pregnant woman should increase her protein intake to 60 grams daily. For the protein to be used in fetal tissues, sufficient calories must also be consumed to meet the daily energy requirement of both mother and baby.
In order to get sufficient calcium, necessary for the baby's bone and tooth development, pregnant women should drink four cups of milk or the equivalent daily. Young women in their teens and early 20s, who are still developing bone themselves, will need five cups of milk daily to meet their own and their baby's needs.
Folic acid and pyridoxine, two of the B vitamins, are particularly important in pregnancy. Folic acid is necessary for protein synthesis in the early months; both vitamins are needed for proper development of the fetal nervous system. A lack of folic acid in the early months of pregnancy has been associated with congenital malformation. Folic acid is the scarcest vitamin in the human diet, however, and reserves may be especially low in women who have been taking birth control pills. Supplements are recommended, either through fortified foods or in tablet form. Your doctor can tell you how much folic acid you should take.
The need for other B vitamins, and for vitamins C, A, and D, also increases in pregnancy, but these are normally present in sufficient quantities in a well-balanced diet. A word of caution: Excessive vitamin A can cause severe birth defects. High-dose vitamin A supplements and Retin-A (tretinoin) should be stopped three or more months before attempting pregnancy.
Liquids are needed in increased quantities during pregnancy. The requirement-over and above milk-is at least 6 glasses a day. Latest studies show that there is no harm in drinking moderate amounts of caffeine-containing products during pregnancy, but it is wise to limit consumption to a total of two to three cups per day of all caffeine-containing drinks, and to distribute them over the course of the day.
Vegetarian women must pay special attention to nutritional requirements during pregnancy. Those following a strict vegetarian diet with no animal products, such as eggs, cheese and milk, will need vitamin and mineral supplements. Sufficient calories and protein can be obtained from a meatless diet if care is taken to balance foods properly. Complete proteins can be derived from dairy products and from legumes and grains, when these are combined at the same meal to provide a proper balance of amino acids. A woman who consumes no dairy products should eat generous amounts of green leafy vegetables, nuts, and seeds. She should also take supplements containing iron, calcium, vitamin D, and B vitamins (especially vitamin B12, which is found only in animal products).

Biotin is an essential nutrient that is required for cell growth and for the production of fatty acids. Biotin is necessary for the metabolism and release of energy from carbohydrates, proteins and fats and is essential for the proper utilization of the other B-complex vitamins. Biotin contributes to healthy skin and hair, and may play a role in preventing hair loss. Biotin is essential for gluconegenesis and fatty acid synthesis. Diabetics may also benefit from Biotin. Besides hair loss, a deficiency of Biotin may also cause eczema, dermatitis, skin disorders, heart and lung problems, anemia, fatigue, mental depression, muscle pain, conjunctivitis, high blood cholesterol, loss of appetite and nausea. Skin rashes and acidosis can develop in infants. A primary source of Biotin is the healthy bacteria in the intestinal tract. Because these are often compromised by a Candida Albicans overgrowth, candida sufferers are particularly prone to a Biotin deficiency.
Biotin is a water-soluble member of the B-complex group of vitamins and is commonly referred to as vitamin H. The biochemical acts as a carrier for carbon dioxide in the pyruvate carboxylase reaction, where biotin is linked to the epsilon-amino group of a lysine residue in the enzyme. Biotin is necessary for both metabolism and growth in humans, particularly with reference to production of fatty acids, antibodies, digestive enzymes, and in niacin (vitamin B-3) metabolism. Food sources for biotin are liver, kidney, soy flour, egg yolk, cereal, and yeast. There are suggestions that biotin is also capable of curing baldness, alleviating muscle pain and depression, and functions as a cure for dermatitis, although there is no substantial evidence for any of these claims. Biotin deficiency results in fatigue, depression, nausea, muscle pains, hair loss, and anemia.
Biotin is used in two-step detection systems in concert with conjugated avidin. Biotin is typically conjugated to proteins via primary amines (i.e., lysines). Usually, between 3 and 6 biotin molecules are conjugated to each antibody. The entire conjugation can be performed in about a half-day. In addition to the materials listed below, you will need to have a solution of your antibody at a concentration (optimally) of at least 2 mg/ml. The extent of biotin conjugation to the antibody may depend on the concentration of antibody in solution; for consistent conjugations, use a consistent concentration. You should be familiar with how to use a desalting column and how to take absorbance spectra. The reactive biotin molecule is unstable. Once the biotin is solubilized, it should be used immediately. When first conjugating an antibody, a range of biotin to antibody concentrations should be compared.
Biotin, a water-soluble B vitamin, is critical to human health. Severe deficiencies in biotin cause skin rash, hair loss, depression, and failure to thrive, and is potentially fatal. However, mild cases can be asymptomatic. Instead, the milder deficiency can manifest as growth retardation and immune deficiency and potentially as birth defects. It was developed the capability to precisely measure 3-hydroxyisovaleric acid (which is produced in increased quantities when activity of the biotin-dependent enzyme methylcrotonyl-CoA carboxylase is decreased); lymphocyte carboxylase activities; lymphocyte biotin content; and serum odd-chain fatty acid content which also reflects decreased activity of propionyl-CoA carboxylase. We are determining the usefulness of these quantities as indicators of deficiency in animals and in marginally biotin deficient adult volunteers.
Although biotin deficiency is very rare, the human requirement for dietary biotin has been demonstrated in two different situations: prolonged intravenous feeding without biotin supplementation and consumption of raw egg white for a prolonged period (many weeks to years). Avidin is a protein found in egg white, which binds biotin and prevents its absorption. Cooking egg white denatures avidin, rendering it susceptible to digestion, and unable to prevent the absorption of dietary biotin
Symptoms: Symptoms of overt biotin deficiency include hair loss and a scaly red rash around the eyes, nose, mouth, and genital area. Neurologic symptoms in adults have included depression, lethargy, hallucination, and numbness and tingling of the extremities. The characteristic facial rash, together with an unusual facial fat distribution, have been termed the "biotin deficient face" by some experts . Individuals with hereditary disorders of biotin metabolism resulting in functional biotin deficiency have evidence of impaired immune system function, including increased susceptibility to bacterial and fungal infections.
Predisposing conditions: Two hereditary disorders, biotinidase deficiency and holocarboxylase synthetase (HCS) deficiency, result in an increased biotin requirement. Biotinidase is an enzyme that catalyzes the release of biotin from small proteins and the amino acid, lysine, thereby recycling biotin. There are several ways in which biotinidase deficiency leads to biotin deficiency. Intestinal absorption is decreased because a lack of biotinidase inhibits the release of biotin from dietary protein. Recycling of one's own biotin bound to protein is impaired, and urinary loss of biotin is increased because the kidneys appear to excrete biotin that is not bound to biotinidase more rapidly. Biotinidase deficiency sometimes requires supplementation of as much as 5 to 10 milligrams of oral biotin/day, though smaller doses are often sufficient. HCS is an enzyme that catalyzes the attachment of biotin to all four carboxylase enzymes. HCS deficiency results in decreased formation of all carboxylases at normal blood levels of biotin, and requires high-dose supplementation of 40 to 100 mg of biotin/day. In general, the prognosis of both disorders is good if biotin therapy is introduced early and continued for life.
Aside from prolonged consumption of raw egg white or intravenous feedings lacking biotin, other conditions may increase the risk of biotin depletion. The rapidly dividing cells of the developing fetus require biotin for DNA replication and synthesis of essential carboxylases, thereby increasing the biotin requirement in pregnancy. Recent research suggests that a substantial number of women develop marginal or subclininical biotin deficiency during normal pregnancy. Anticonvulsant medications, used to prevent seizures in individuals with epilepsy, increase the risk of biotin depletion. Because it has been identified at different times Biotin has been given a variety of names including Coenzyme R, Protective Factor X, Vitamin H, Vitamin B7 and Bios. All are the same. Biotin works with folic acid and vitamin B12 to break down fats, protein, and carbohydrates. Biotin is found in most foods and also manufactured by bacteria in the intestinal tract. Most biotin deficiencies are associated with the consumption of raw egg whites which contain avidin. Avidin binds with biotin to prevent its absorption into the blood. Cooking the egg whites deactivates avidin. Biotin is non-toxic and probably not required in supplement form. Although Biotin deficiencies are rare, they can occur when people have malabsorption problems.
Based on these human and animal studies, the best indicators of biotin status are being chosen and used in several clinical studies to test several hypotheses concerning impaired biotin status. For example, in a biotin intervention study, we are testing the hypothesis that biotin status is impaired whenever urinary 3-HIA is abnormally increased in pregnancy; accordingly, urinary 3-HIA and other biotin-related indicators of metabolic derangement will return to normal with biotin supplementation.
It was found out that whether biotin deficiency of similar severity to that observed in human pregnancy causes significant increases of fetal malformation in the mouse. In our pilot mouse study, marginal biotin deficiency in mouse dams that caused an increase in 3-HIA excretion similar to that seen in human pregnancy produced 100% incidence of cleft palate in the fetal mouse. We also are actively investigating the biochemical pathogenesis of the bone pathology and the histopathologic consequences at the macroscopic, microscopic, and cellular level for bone and cartilaginous tissues.
We also seek to determine the location and characterization of the enzymes responsible for catalyzing the b-oxidation of biotin to the inactive metabolite bisnorbiotin. This catabolic process is of particular interest because increased biotin breakdown is induced by exposure to anticonvulsants and during pregnancy and may contribute to biotin deficiency in these circumstances. We are actively investigating the effects of cell proliferation and cell cycle on a newly discovered biotin transporter as well as pursuing studies concerning the basic molecular biology of the transporter.
It was also noted that there is a n increased serum biotin level in early pregnancy compared to that of late pregnancy. Biotin excretion rates for the control group and for the study group during early and late pregnancy. There was no significant difference in biotin excretion between early pregnancy and the controls, but excretion rates in 4 of the 13 pregnant women were greater than the upper limit of normal. In late pregnancy, biotin excretion was significantly decreased whether compared with control or early pregnancy.
The serum concentrations of biotin for the control women and for the pregnant women. During early pregnancy, the mean serum concentration of biotin was significantly greater than that of the control group. By late pregnancy, the mean serum concentration of biotin was significantly less than in early pregnancy and was not significantly different from that of the control group. The serum concentration of biotin decreased I each pregnant woman and was less than the lower limit of normal in 2 of the 13 women; the decrease was significant by paired t test.

To test whether the increase in the serum concentration of biotin during the early pregnancy could be attributed to an increase in reversibly bound biotin , it was noted that the proportion of biotin free and reversibly bound to serum macromolecules (presumably proteins) using 3H-biotin and equilibrium dialysis. Mean biotin binding was 9.1 + 1.0% in five women from the control group, 11.5 + 2.8% in five women from the study group in early pregnancy and 9.0 + 1.4% in the same five women in late pregnancy. There were no significant differences among these

We have arrived that marginal biotin deficiency induced experimentally in adult volunteers, the serum concentration of biotin was not an early or sensitive indicator of decreased biotin status. The mean serum concentration of biotin did not decrease significantly, although concentrations decreased to values less than the lower limit of normal in 5 of 10 subjects by d 20 of egg-white feeding, because biotin bind avidly in avidin which is makes them inactive and readily excretable.
Several studies of biotin-deficient patients have indicated that increased urinary excretion of 3-HIA can indicate reduced tissue activity of methylcrotonyl-CoA carboxylase. This has been the case whether the deficiency was related to total parenteral nutrition, egg-white feeding or inborn errors of biotin metabolism. Biotin deficiency, the expected decrease in hepatic methylcrontonyl-CoA carboxylase activity was evident (Mock 1990). It was also noted that in human studies, tissue deficits were demonstrated in carboxylase activities of lymphocytes. The study of marginal biotin deficiency cited above provided evidence that increased urinary excretion of 3-HIA was an early and sensitive indicator of decreased biotin status.
The study presented here provides evidence that biotin status decreases from early to late pregnancy. The most striking changes were decreased biotin excretion, decreased BNB excretion, and decreased serum concentration of biotin. The excretion of 3-HIA already greater than that of controls in early pregnancy did not further increase in late pregnancy.
It was also proven that decreased biotin status induced a teratogenic effect at critical times in the third trimester of pregnancy. Accordingly, we were particularly interested in assessing biotin status in early pregnancy. Except of 3-HIA is significantly increased, suggesting reduced biotin status. However, the serum concentration of biotin is normal, suggesting adequate biotin status occurs in early pregnancy but is not yet reflected in biotin excretion. For example, some factor might reduce renal reabsorption of biotin. The observed increased excretion of BNB could also result such a factor. Eventually, this biotin wasting should reduce plasma concentration of biotin and filtered load of biotin, and finally, renal excretion of biotin. However, how quickly this might evolve during pregnancy is not clear. Moreover, the relationship between the serum concentration of biotin and total body pools of biotin is not known. Even if this hypothesis and explanation are correct, the mechanism leading to increased serum concentrations of biotin are not clear.
This study provides evidence that biotin status decrease is normal pregnancy. O the basis of increased 3-HIA excretion and decreased biotin excretion, about half of a small women appeared to become at least marginally biotin deficient late in pregnancy. The potential mechanism for this disturbance in biotin nutrition included an increased biotin biotransformation to inactive catabolites, reduced renal retention of biotin or fetal accretion of biotin. The diagnosis of biotin deficiency could be confirmed by a biotin intervention study in which pregnant women with increased 3-HIA are provided oral supplements of biotin and 3-HIA response is assessed.

Baer, M.T. & King, J.C. (1992) Biotin in pregnant women. Am. Journal Clin. Nutr. 1365s.
Hambridge, Michael. (2000) Human Biotin. Journals on Biochemistry and Nutrition. 1344-1349s.

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