My Webpage
(what a creative title)
Welcome, and Please, don't feed the Demons
AIM: OniLinkSword
Self Art
Stick Battle
My rants
About 4Kids
Above: The all powerful Ferice Deity Link (AKA Oni Link) which made his first apperance in Majora's mask.
-Your Arm-spand is the same as your hight
-The Only mammal with 4 Knees is the Elephant
-An Octopus has 3 Hearts
-Cats have 2 sets of vocal chords; One for purring, and one for meowing
-In Australia, the #1 topping for pizza is eggs, in Chile, mussles and clams, in the USA, pepperoni, and in Japan, Squid
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Hello, all. Sorry about the lack of updating, again. I' just here to check up on things. So, I got rid of the guest book, for now. And I'm working on some more Stick battles. You'll proablely them it in a month or less.

Not a huge up-date, just a new section. When I get some free time I'm going to make a new account for each section so Yahoo doesn't do that thing....

Sorry about the lack of up-dates. FINNALY put up the rant, another stick battle, and I'm have some ideas for new sections. So check back every once and awhile.

Started the muti-stie idea, there are some new sections as well

Alright, I got some suggestions. And I'm going to try one of them soon. I'm going to make diffrent sites and just stick the links up here. I forget your name but I thank you for that Idea

Well Geocities Sucks. If your reading this that means that your one of this first to arive on the hour. If you know any sites that allow a good amount of free space and large amouts of data transfure please E-Mail it to
[email protected] (lable it "To Kevin"). Yahoo just doesn't suit the size of this site.
Email: [email protected]
You basterd, you found my hidden text! Now then, Click here for all your jerkable needs
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