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Welcome To Our Home Page !

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We thank all our visitors that appreciated our project and sent mail with a great appreciaton that we are not used to them..

From the most of the mail we received we came to a conclusion that we will open an another page which is going to be named 'Idea Production Center'. Anyone who are volunteer to help us managing this site is appreciated. Please contact us about the 'Idea Production Center'

We could not update our pages for couple of days due to heavy mail traffic. But After the 28th of January we will keep going on.

Opening Remarks

Since many  years simulation technologies attracted human beings' interest. We all know very well how people interested in aviation branches urge  when a new flight simulator arrives in market.

Especially because those softwares' are under strict control of high level companies, there is no varieties.

And especially in Turkey the software  experts, did not give importance due to its long  planning and development period.

But, in a very short time the story we mentioned in previous paragraph will get its place in very large archives of history and you will accept the magnificance  of our project.

Project 'Far Eyes' is an incomplete project. But we have sufficiently short time to finish the project. It is recommended that a time be needed due to its unique technique and understanding. For that reason, we evaluate that nowadays are pretty good days to inform the community about project.

Project 'Far Eyes' never regarded as a profit or income source during its preparation. For that reason it is prepared by working around the clock, never feeling tiredness. However, if it were a project depending on a profit, it would not last for 9 years. We were never tired, never bored, and never impatient.

Our hard work, tired days are leaving their places to happiness and honor. Soon to be announced in this Home Page. Are you ready?

We are very very sorry for our mistakes in our Web Page, regarding its design and management. Because we are not experienced in web design and management. But we will work hard and manage to do it too. Please do not hesitate to contact us from our E-Mail address.


E-Mail: [email protected]

                                                                                      Sincerely ,

                                                                                       Far Eyes Project Office



This page is updated lastly in  27 January, 2002

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