<BGSOUND SRC="ffantasy36jchocobo.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Onikun's Webcomics
and other stuff
Meet the Maniacs!
Me and my fellow three Maniacs are all good friends... or at least we try to be. We established a page called Maniacs Central and adopted the term "Maniac". Before then, we were the Crazy Haters. Or maybe we still are... I dunno. Just one of those weird mysteries of the universe... like Maniac's afro. Anyway, my webcomics are about me and my adventures with them. Lets have a character intro, shall we?

That Evil Guy, SATAN: He's the other guy with the horns. we're not sure if he's the real Satan or not. But he IS crazily evil, and that's still something. SATAN likes billiards, free food, and going to self help sessions. (Mostly becsause he drives his instructors to the brink of insanity)

Almighty Malachai, aka MaSSimO: Some weird bulky guy in a wrestling mask with spiky guantlets, or somethin'. He's a Yankees fan who hates the Red Sox. He flips out whenever he sees the color red... mirrors don't stand a chance... actually, he looks like that guy from Savage Beating Magic the Gathering card... well, minus the hat.

Onikun: Yes, that's me with the purple head. You have a problem? Um, not that I'd be able to anything about it... yeah, I am an Oni, a Japanese ogre. And, um, I don't know Japanese that well... but I'm studying it. Yes, I have a Katana... but that doesn't automatically mean I know how to use it... I mostly do all the programming and designing for their website. But I am kinda the weakest link of the four... I'm not sure why Maniac ever let me join. Maybe he needs my computer skills. Or maybe he some great potential within me... whatever the reason Maniac is still a good friend.

Maniac: Maniac, the leader of the Maniacs. I'm not sure what Maniac is all about. He has a killer afro, I'll give him that. But no-one argues with him or goes up against him. Sure he's crazy, but he is a great leader. How can he be so calm when he has a psychopathic Red Sox-fan killer, a person who may be THE Satan, and a paranoid ogre around him at all times? Maniac must have some time of special hidden power that he can unleash at anytime... only time will tell.
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Crazy Haters/Maniacs Central
My college webpage
My name is Darwin. I'm gonna eat your brains!
Animated Gifs
Friday, November 4, 2005
Wow, its been so LONG.
Here's whats been goin on...
1 Maple Stories webcomic at geocities.com/ms_darwin86
2 Maniacs Comic
3 4CES RPG and Comic
4 Oni_email.exe flash movies
5 Maniacs flash movies and intro

Sigh, most of these may end up as dreams. Right now I have a good Homestarrunner.com gif collection built up. Thats worth checkin out.

I'm currently in college year 2, semester one, officially declared Japanese major and computer science minor... and I've been really busy.

UPDATES: Put my Chicken and Taikobo movie on. Almost not worth mentioning cause it SUX. Oh well, try to enjoy. Its in the Oni_email.exe section... I will start that soon, and maybe ACTUALLY make the other comics. Maybe.
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