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Wednesday, Feb. 02, 2005
Hey there peoples. So much has happened... I've started my second semester at college, another year has started, and... I have recently had COMPUTER DEATH BY POWER SURGE. Always buy a real, good surge protector. I've learned my lesson... and lost tons of work. WAH.
So... I've gotta restart that story I was gonna do with Darwin. Yes, thats Darwin on the left. What I'm (re)doing is making a comic out of RPG Maker Graphics, but it was gonna be more of a full fledge story than a comic... its gonna be too hard and time consuming to do a story.. what with all the college stuff piled up to my horns... that AND I havent continued the Maniacs Central story. Thats important too.
So here's my To-Do List...
1. "4-CES" comic strip
2. Maniac Central comic strip
3. Whine and complain that there arent enough hours in the day
4. Actually get my self to excersice and shower more often
5. Do all that college studying and homework and stuff...
I don't know when, or if, I will actually start 4-CES, but the Maniacs Central story is a must.
So, Piece out, guys. Or should I say One Piece out... gotta finish up those pics.
Sunday, October 24, 04
Hey peoples! Ever play RPG Maker 2003? Great game. And, NO I can't upload it, sorry. If you came here by search looking for it, try looking on the other stes. Good luck.
Anyway, I love making RPGs. Even though the only one I ever finished was one on the PS1 RPG Maker based on the first episode of The Slayers... I failed miserably. Unless you are a genius, and  am not, it is hard to make something outstanding with limited interface. Thats what we have those geniues at Sony and Nintendo for.
Anyway, coming soon is a Sprite Comic I am making with RPG Maker graphics! It will be my greatest project ever! go to "Webcomics" for more details.
Hey, for all you Japanese people out there, what the heck did I just say...
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
Hey guys. No, I have not seperated from the Maniacs. I have seen that webcomics take up a lot of space. Maniac wasn't happy about that... so, I had to pack my USB pen drive and leave to establish myself in a new location. But my webcomics moved here, so I'm still with the Maniacs. Yeah, I'll let them have their space for their crazy pictures and magic cards, I'm fine here. But be sure to visit both our sites, ok?
I have decided to put my webcomics here. But what else can I put here... I guess I could put some Japanese anime stuff here. The other 3 Maniacs only know about Dragon Ball Z and maybe some others, but my Otaku-ness far surpasses theirs. Um... I guess thats a good thing... anyway, I'll add more stuff as I go along. hey, everyone starts somewhere.
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