This is Onilink346's Ultimate Fan Site








Old Sillyness
Well this one really takes the cake.  Our current party was made up of Ivy (a helldrow played by me), Barakis (a half-elf skeleton, also a fighter, a mage, and a thief; played by my friend adam), and Arianna (good paladin turned evil, played by my friend kevin).  The Birthright campaign setting is where we have most of our adventures.  Well in this setting lives an all powerful being named "The Gorgon", he is quite literally immortal due to the corrupted bloodline (blood of the gods) flowing through him.  The thing that astonished all of us was the fact that our mid-level pcs were able to kill him even when our high-level pcs could not.  The strike roll was a 17 (a critical hit with a vorpal sword)  and the parry roll was a 19, the roll to parry could not be altered down by more than one.  Now since the attack went through the entire campaing setting had to be changed.  The fact is we ourselves did not believe it happened, everyone was quite stunned at what had happened.  Well because we killed him, the area under his rule has started to rebel and thats not a good thing for my friend kevin as his pc now becomes the ruler.  oh well at least i don't have to worry about it. ^_^
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