"Infinite Loop..."

When I was to be born
Everything I know was mom
And all my love was my mummy

When I was born
Everything I know was mom and dad
And all my love was my parents

When I was at pre-school
Everything I know was ABCD..
And all my love was alphabet

When I was schooling
Everything I know was girls
And all my love was my classmates

When I was doing O/L
Everything I know was girls and boys
And all my love was my friends

When I was doing A/L
Everything I know was tuitions
And all my love was boys at tuitions

When I was a school leaver
Everything I know was what�s next?
And all my love will from the next place..

Now I am an undergraduate
Everything I know is undergraduates
And all my love is from one of undergraduates

Future I�ll be a graduate
Everything I�ll know is graduates
And all my love will be with a graduate

After this I�ll seek a job
Everything I�ll know is job opportunities
And all my love will be a job seeker

After all I will be a worker
Everything I know will be employees
And all my love will be my boss who is an employee

Then I will become a wife
Everything I�ll know is my husband
And all my love will stay with him

At the end I�ll become a mother
Everything I�ll know is my babies
And my all love will my family

At the thoughts of my babies
Everything they�ll know will be the things I�ve got to know
And their all love will be the ones that I loved

How much I got to know?
How much I loved?
How many I loved?
I loved all of you
To you my mom, dad, friends, patner, babies..
And loving and will love all of you
Till the end of me
After end of you
Remain in me

Like me in the beginning
All our love will repeat
All our knows will remain
All the thoughts will shower
All are same
The things happened to my granny
The things happened to my mummy
Will happen to me
Will happen to you
Nothing will change
Can you change this truth?
No forever
All our life style is going in a loop
Can not define
Means undefined
Never ending


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