Online Bible Translations

Featured Translations

American Standard Version

Ancient Roots Translinear Bible

NET Bible

New Simplified Bible

New World Translation

Resurrection Life New Testament Study Bible, The

Sahidic Coptic Gospel of John

Please contact us with any possible updates.

English Translations


Alternate Translation Bible, The

American King James Version

American Sign Language Translation

American Standard Version

American Translation, An

Amplified Bible

Analytical-Literal Translation

Ancient Roots Translinear Bible

Apocalypse of John; A Poem of Terrible Beauty

Apostles' Bible, The

Aramaic Bible

Aramaic English Standard Version


Bay Psalm Book

Better Life Bible, The

Bible in Basic English

Bishop's Bible, The

Book of Yahweh, The

Brenton's Translation of the Septuagint


Catholic Public Domain Version

Christian Community Bible

Common Edition New Testament, The

Complete Jewish Bible, The

Concordant Literal New Testament, The

Conservative Version, A

Contemporary English Version

Cotton Patch Version of the New Testament, The

Coulter New Testament

Coverdale's Bible


Darby's Bible

Douay-Rheims Bible


Easy-to-Read Version

Emphasized Bible, The

Emphatic Diaglott

English Jubilee 2000 Bible

English Majority Text Version

English Standard Version

Epistles of St. Paul, by the late Benjamin Jowett, M.A., The

Etheridge's Translation of the Peshitto


Faithful New Testament

Fenton's Bible

Four Gospels, The; by Charles Cutler Torrey

Fred Miller's Revised King James' Version


Geneva Bible, The

Geneva Bible Modern Spelling, The

Geneva Study Bible, The

God's Living Word Translation

God's Word to the Nations

Good News Translation

Grail Psalter


Hebraic Roots Version

Heritage Bible, The

Holman Christian Standard Bible

Holy Name Bible

Holy New Covenant

Holy Orthodox Bible


Improved Version New Testament

Inclusive Bible, The

Inspired Version

International Standard Version


Jesus - A Bible in Modern English

Jewish Publication Society Translation of the Tanach


King James Bible, Clarified

King James 2000 Version

King James Version

King James Version - Corrected

King James Version: Hebrew Names Edition

King James Version, Original 1611 Edition

King James Version, 1769 Edition


Lamsa's Translation of the Peshitta

Last Days Bible

Laughing Bird Scripture Paraphrases

Light of the Word Translation of the Peshitta

Literal Translation of the Holy Bible

Living Oracles New Testament, The

Lost Translation of 1901, The


Mace's New Testament

Mechanical Translation of the Hebrew Bible

Message, The

Mitchell New Testament

Modern American English Vernacular

Modern King James Version

Modern Literal Version of the New Testament

Montgomery's New Testament

Murdock's Translation of the Peshito


Nazarene Commentary 2000

NET Bible

New American Bible

New American Standard Bible

New Century Version

New Covenant, The

New Covenant Scriptures, The

New English Translation of the Septuagint

New International Reader's Version

New International Version

New Jerusalem Bible

New King James Version

New Life Version

New Living Translation

New Revised Standard Version

New Simplified Bible

New Testament: An Understandable Version, The

New Translation in Plain English, A; by Charles Kingsley Williams

New World Translation

Non-Ecclesiastical New Testament


Orthodox Jewish Bible

Orthodox Jewish Brit Chadasha, The


Pastor John's New Testament

Phillip's Translation of the New Testament

Pickering's Translation based on the Majority Text

Pig Latin Version

Power New Testament

Prologue to the Fourth Gospel, The

Psalm Paraphrases

Psalms of David in Metre, The

Purified New Testament, The


Recovery Version New Testament, The

Restoration Scriptures: True Name Edition

Restored Name King James Version

Resurrection Life New Testament Study Bible, The

Revised King James New Testament

Revised Standard Version

Revised Version

Revised Young's Literal Translation, The


Sacred Name King James Bible

Sacred Scriptures, Bethel Edition

Sacred Scriptures, Family of Yah Edition

Sahidic Coptic Gospel of John

Sawyer New Testament

Scriptures, The

Source New Testament, The

Spoken English New Testament


Tackwalls Translation of the New Testament

Temporary English Version

Third Millennium Bible

Today's New International Version

Translation from the Ancient Aramaic Peshitta Text

Translation of the Great Isaiah Scroll, The

Transparent English Bible

Twentieth Century New Testament

21st Century King James Version

2001 Translation

Tyndale's New Testament


Updated Bible Version

Updated King James Version


Vincent's Translation of the Holy Scriptures

Voice in the Wilderness Edition of the Holy Scriptures, A


Webster's Bible

Wesley's New Testament

Westminster Version of the Sacred Scriptures

Weymouth's New Testament in Modern Speech

Whole House of Israel, The

Word of Yah, The

Word of Yahweh, The

World English Bible, The

World English Bible: Messianic Edition, The

World ORT Translation

Worldwide English New Testament

Wycliffe's Bible


Yes Word! Tyndale Update

Young's Literal Translation


Zikarown Say'fer


Greek Interlinears

Apostolic Bible, The (with Greek Septuagint Interlinear)

Emphatic Diaglott

Literal Interlinear Translation

Westcott-Hort Greek Sublinear

Hebrew Interlinears

Ancient Hebrew Interlinear

Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia Sublinear

Modern Hebrew Interlinear

Syriac Interlinears

Younan's Peshitta Interlinear

Ancient Language Versions

Coptic Versions

Sahidic Coptic Gospel of John

Sahidic Coptic New Testament with Parallel Greek, The

Greek Versions

Byzantine/Majority Text

Greek New Testament Nestle/Aland 26th Ed.

Old Testament in Greek Cambridge LXX

Origenis Hexapla

Parallel Greek Text

Pickering's New Majority Greek Text

Rahlf's Septuagint

Scrivener's Textus Receptus 1894

Stephanos' Textus Receptus 1550

Swete's Septuagint

Tischendorf's Eight Edition Greek Text

Transliterated Greek Text

Westcott-Hort Greek New Testament

Hebrew Versions

Aleppo Codex

Biblia Hebraica

Hebrew-English Bible

Hebrew New Testament

Leningrad Codex B 19A

New Testament in Hebrew, The

Transliterated Hebrew Old Testament

Westminster Leningrad Codex

Latin Versions


Syriac Versions


Updated: August 16, 2007

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