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Before signing up with an online space provider you will need to decide what your most important needs are:

Quantity of free storage space
Easy, secure access

Fast connection etc.

After determining what your needs are you will need to select a provider(s) which best meets these and sign up. You may want to consider signing up more than once with the provider if they don't offer enough space per account. You might also want to consider this if you want a separate account for work than personal use and if you want one that all the family can access. To open an account you will need to provide some personal details (or make some up) and most importantly you will need an email address, that you don't mind receiving some advertising in. We are not suggesting that any providers reviewed here sell there emailing lists, but they do send service updates, newsletters, special offers and an assortment of other email that tends to clog up your inbox. 

If you intend to sign up for more than one account with each provider you will need a separate email address for each additional account. We offer free web based email service which we would recommend as it is fast and unlike more popular email service like hotmail and yahoo, may still have an email address that you can remember. The signup process is very simple and you are more than welcome to signup more than once.

Don't forget that if you don't like the online space provider you have signed up with to submitted that feedback to our web site so that we can help other users make a more informed decision and then try another service. 


Send mail to [email protected] with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2000 Online Storage
Last modified: November 29, 2000

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