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January 14th, 2002: The "Muzik" section has evolved a fourth page. A lot of good punk, new rock and alternative.

January 14th, 2002: Happy New Year, everyone! I was having way too much fun during my Christmas Break. Sorry, no updates lately. A new TV show was added to the "TV" section.

December 2nd, 2001: Woah! After a month of no updates I blasted the "Phat Boy Pics" section with 13 new pics! Check them out, you're guaranteed to pee your pants. I also added a few more songs to the "Muzik" section.

October 21st, 2001: New cartoon. This one reminds me of me when I was a kid, haha!

October 16th, 2001: New additions because of the slow month. Two new writings. One with a "voting poll" (unfortunately, you're gonna have to e-mail the votes) and one with awesome car designs.

October 13th, 2001: To make up for the long absence I put up a third muzik page. Great songs; old and new.

October 13th, 2001: I know this month's been running really slow but schoolwork's been loading on me. I threw on 3 new cartoons.

October 1st, 2001: No updates in a while. I posted another joke.

September 24th, 2001: Check out the "E-mail Ozzie" section, "On The Edge 01" now has a guestbook!

September 24th, 2001: Another cartoon is up.

September 18th, 2001: A pair of Phat Boy Pics have been thrown on! Check out "Phat Boy Pics" for a glimpse of the webmaster!

September 15th, 2001: A new cartoon is up. This is so something I gotta do on Halloween. Haha!

September 15th, 2001: New jokes have been posted.

September 14th, 2001: Another new writing has been posted. This one speaks of the greatest form of communication... music!

September 6th, 2001: I have a new writing up. Go and improve your reading skills.

September 3rd, 2001: Check out the cartoons section. "Simpson humor" one might say.

September 3rd, 2001: The Joke Page has it's three first entries. You can e-mail me jokes and I'll post them.

September 2nd, 2001: I'm finally done the TV section! Check it out!

September 1st, 2001: Check out the whole site. I'm not done all areas but it'll evolve eventually.
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