Fun Times! ^^

Updated Archive: Last Updated Januray 25th, 2004

Samako: Idea! Since I'm not really updating much... I think I'm just going to turn this webbie into a Fanfic/Art archive. My fanfics/art, of course... to lazy to write reviews... charcter shrines... etc. So... over the next few days, the transformation from fansite to fanfic/art archive shall begin! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!

Battousai: Oh boy....

Ayame: O_o;;;


Small Site Map

Staff Profiles (Just what it sounds like... ^^;;;)
Hollow Bastion Library (Fan Fic Archive)
Fan Art (Coming soon!)
Gifts/Awards (Just what it sounds like! ^^)


Random Links

My Online Journal Fanfics
Rachael's Online Journal Fighting to Dream--Rachael's Website

Disclaimer: All thingies that don't belong to Samako (i.e. Inuyasha, most of the characters, Battousai-san, etc...) are property of their respectful owners. The only thing Sam owns is herself and Ayame and Seeth. And her fan art. And the ideas for her fanfics. Everything else does not belong to her, unless otherwise stated. She's not making money or stealing money from this website.

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