Rotary tillage cost on padi soil

  • The total owning and operating cost (RM/ha) of PEATTRAK with a 1.8 m rotary cultivator implement, in soil tillage depends on the annual use of the machinery, the total purchase price of the machinery and the field capacity of the machinery.
  • The field capacity of PEATTRAK in soil tillage varied depending on the quantity of undecomposed wood in the peat, the depth of cultivation, the bearing capacity of the peat soil, and the degree of weed infestation.
  • The cost of rotary tillage using PEATTRAK on peat soil is about RM 70.00/ha as shown in the TABLE below.

Evaluation of economic viability of PEATTRAK

                                     		& rotavator 
Purchase Price(RM)		     		55,000.00

Fuel consumption (L/ha)                              6
Labour Cost (RM/h)                                  6.62
Operating cost (RM/h)                              30.80

Working width (m)                                   1.8
Speed of operation (kph)                            3.5
Field efficiency (%)                               70
Field capacity (ha/h)                               0.441
Operating Cost (RM/ha)                             69.83



The following assumptions are made in the economic analysis :
    The following assumptions were made in the economic analysis:
    • The total annual use of PEATTRAK is 1000 hours.
    • The annual use of PEATTRAK for tillage is 500 hours.
    • Interest is 10%.
    • Salvage value is 10%.
    • Economic life of PEATTRAK is 10 years, that of the rotavator is 8 years.
    • Straight line depreciation
    • Oil cost is 15% of fuel cost
    • Labour cost is a percentage of the contract charge: 25% for tillage work

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