Other Professional Duties & Services:

  • Member of MARDI Technology Inventory Committee, 2000


  • Expert Evaluator  in MTDC Application Assessment Panel for Commercialization of Research & Development Fund on June 2001


  • Invited Lecturer in Agriculture Mechanisation Course Module 1, Department of Agriculture on 15/5/02


  • Workshop Participant in National Technology Mapping - Machinery and Equipment Industry on 6/6/01, 17/10/01, 23/5/02


  • Secretary of MARDI Technical Evaluation Panel of IRPA EA Project (Engineering Science) from 20/09/2001 to 31/10/2002


  • Chairman of MARDI Technical Evaluation Panel of IRPA EA Project (Engineering Science) from 31/10/2002 to 2004


  • Member of MARDI Publication Committee from June 1997 to 2004


  • Secretary of National Committee that formulated the National Agricultural and Food Mechanisation Policy from 2002-2004

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