Rachel's Homepage

Hey my name is Rachel. I am 16 years old and in the 11th grade. I have an older sister who is 19. My parents are divorced but it occurred at a young age so it did not set a large impact on my life. I am half Polish and half Russian and practice the Jewish religion. I like to do the things everyone else likes to do such as hang out with friends, go to the movies, and play sports of all sorts. Music means a lot to me, I go to concerts at every chance I can get. I enjoy the simple things in life. I enjoy the fact that I am able to see the sun come up and live to see the sun set, I never take that for granted. I tend to take things one day at a time and not worry too far in the future. I am easy-going and I tend to think, �whatever happens, happens.� I have no tolerence for rude people or people who never smiles. I like people who don�t care what other think of them and people who don�t always act like the whole worlds on their shoulders. I am happy go lucky and that�s me in a paragraph.

  • Go to Ms. Gokturk's Cyber English Home Page

    My Portfolio:

  • A Joyride to Remember - Personal Narrative Essay:
  • Dr. Sol Gordon - Biography Essay:
  • Family - Definition Essay:
  • "No Pretty Pictures" - Book Review:
  • What to Wear?! - Arguement Essay:
  • When Steep Steps Causes Steep Problems - Arguement Essay #2
  • Schizophria - A Thin Line between What is Real and what is not - Research Essay
  • Portfolio Reflection

    Email me!
    �Rachel 2002

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