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Rachel Lincoln Expos. 3 Ms. Gokturk Definition Essay Family The room got darker, his fear filled his body, and the feeling of dread paralyzed him. It was like heavy bricks hanging around his chest. He felt trapped. "What am I going to do?" he thought to himself, unable to think of anything else. He was dizzy, loss of breath, he felt like he was uncomfortably falling in quicksand and that the harder he tried to get out, the deeper he fell. A soothing voice brought him out of the trance he was in. "Honey its going to be okay." It was his mother. "Yeah, don�t worry Josh." His sister chimed in. In matter of moments, Josh�s pessimistic outlook on the world shattered. Everything became lighter and better. Josh�s disposition cheered up and Josh knew having the support of his family whom would always be there for him, that everything would be just fine. Josh is a typical example of a moody teenager and a classic example of how important family is. The example being how no matter what happens to him, what he did, or what he decides to do, his family would support him nonetheless. Ripe at the age of 16, the year where the smallest things gets blown out of proportion and seem like torrential disasters, Josh works to overcome one stress after another. At school, after receiving a grade of an "F," getting into a fight with his best friend, getting detention and finally spraining his ankle in track, he comes home with a vicious cloud over his head. "I am not going to be able to graduate school, I have no social life and my ankle hurts!" Josh grumbled, speaking as if though he had only twenty-four more hours to live. "I really can�t do this anymore. I just can�t." Josh kept repeating to himself. "I just don�t know what to do." He slipped off to an apparent deep depression until his family barged in on his thoughts. His family comforted him and let him know that he would be fine, no matter what he did and that they would be right behind him, pushing him to succeed. You may think that family is just two parents who brought you into this world and siblings you are forced to relate to. You may think it�s just people you have to share a household with until you are eighteen and on your own. Well unfortunately, you are far off. A family is a lifetime commitment and a lifetime love. Family is the net to catch you if you are ever to slip and fall. They hold that power to keep you steady. Family is the glue that sticks to your art project to keep all the pieces from falling apart. Family is the foundation that holds up tall buildings. Family is the lawyer that bails somebody out of a tight spot. Family is the doctor who works at saving a patient�s life. Family is the rocks around the bon fire to prevent the fire from spreading. Family is the comforter that keeps you warm and safe during the coldest night of the year. Family is superman themselves. While of course, they can�t save people from burning bridges; they certainly do make you feel safer. They give you the support and guidance you need to make it out in the big world. Josh�s family, providers of food, housing, money, toys, comfort, advice, support, and most importantly, endless love and commitment. Family is the closest you can get to anyone. Not only do you receive your physical appearances from your parents; you begin to act like them in many ways. The love between family is connected by blood. The fact that you are literally related to them brings you closer to them than anyone else that you�d meet in your life. Family should always come first and foremost, even when a new love enters your life. Blood is thicker than water. After a fight with his sister, calling her a "spoiled brat," Josh scolded her and let her know that he wished he didn�t have a sister. He and she both knew it wasn�t true, it was just normal for siblings to have disputes. "You know I didn�t mean what I said," Josh had apologized to his sister. He didn�t even feel obligated to, he just wanted to because she was his family, and he loved her. No matter what disagreements family members may have, there will always be a connection that can never break. The connection between family is very valuable and should be fully appreciated. The love of a family is the most important love you�ll ever have. While you will find different kinds of love in your life as you grow, you�ll never find love that is equal to the love of family, so you should never take it for granted. Without family, you will just fall apart.
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