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Rachel Lincoln Argument Essay Expository Writing 11/19/02 What to Wear?! "I don�t know what to wear today!" How often have you woken up in the morning, and the first thing you wonder about is what to wear? All teenagers from all over the planet has had that dilemma. I think the solution to that particular frustration, would be to have a uniform code, in which all students are to wear the same outfit while attending to schools. Despite the arguments that many typical teenagers that attend to public schools may have, having a uniform code would make things much easier in ways more than one. Clothes - the reason for diversity, the cause for cliques. If you dress in one particular way, some will accept you while most will avoid you. It is unnecessary to have the clothing you wear segregate your school into so many groups. Friendships should be formed by things in common and hobbies and not by the judgements of your clothes. The criticism that goes around by people who is opinionated on what other people wear causes stress and low self-esteem upon them. This may result in many students being ashamed of who they are and feel unaccepted towards his or her peers. I myself have came to school in the kind of clothes that some cliques may call "eccentric" and I was ridiculed for it. I was judged on how I was as a person by the way I dressed and I found that to be extremely unfair. Those who want to express their creativity by wearing bright vibrant colors, homemade accessories and such things that other people would not wear, are often taunted and teased. Some people don�t even try to be "original" in their taste in clothes, they just have less money and are not able to afford all the clothes that may be considered, "in" and are often looked down upon. While it is nice to express your creativity, such negative reactions come along with it and it does not need to happen. Not only does clothes create controversy in the education and work place, it also creates a large dent in your wallet. You are expected to keep up with the latest styles and trends, which tends to get very expensive. I find the price ranges for the new stylish things to be appalling and wonder to myself, be it really necessary to blow all the cash I have to look good in other people�s eyes? With uniforms, you wouldn�t be as concerned with buying new clothes all the time, and you�d save extra money and be able to use it for other things that you would enjoy. You would be able to enjoy other activities with your hard-earned money instead of buying clothes to impress other people. Aside from the extra wad of cash you will obtain, you�ll be seeing less laundry every Sunday. Uniforms in school will save you time at the end of the week to do your homework instead of doing several loads of laundry. Doing a lot of laundry eats up a lot of quarters and repeatedly causes you to run out to the store and get more detergent. Besides the time saved on Sundays from not doing as much laundry, time is saved in the mornings. The uniform concept made getting up when the alarm clock rings, easier. You never have to worry about what to wear because your uniform is laid out and ready to be put on and worn. You�d be able to take your time in the morning, and have time to spare to do other things without rushing. I often wake up in the morning, putting on one outfit after another, unsatisfied with what I have then I always find myself to be running off to school in a frantic fear that I would be late for class. With uniforms, there would be none of that. The mornings would consist of a shower, putting on the uniform, the brushing of teeth, then you're right out the door in no time. To sum it up, having a uniform code in school would make things much simpler. While clothes are wonderful for expressing who you are, it causes too much conflict and disturbance in your life. It prevents you from enjoying your surroundings and robs precious time away from you. In uniform you�ll have honest friends based on common interest and not how you dress. Having more time in life and a pocket full of cash makes you an happy camper. Uniforms make you less stressed out, less judged and you will feel right at ease. Clothes are great, uniforms are better.
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