Updated June 14, 2004
2:00 pm
E-mail me!
My original intention was to have a place where I can always be near my family.  I lived in Jersey when I first made this page and it was easy to click through pictures of my nephews.  Now they're a quick car ride away so the page doesn't get updated much.  Anyway, if it's not apparent in the next few pages... my family is VERY important to me.  They're in the back of my mind with every decision I make about my life.  They're a HUGE part of who I am. 
Who I am...
The Facts:
Kar and Ernie
Me and my brother, Ernie, on our way to a wedding.
Age: 25

Location: Manalapan, NJ

School: Rutgers U. (NJ), alumus
                  U. of Miami, Post-bac

Degree: Psychology, B.A.

4 Fun:
* Playing wit babies =)
             * Taking pictures
             * Music/Dancing
             * Reading... about psych/med
             * Seeing new places
Much love to everyone and everything taken from us on Sept. 11th.

OK...  Ernie and JuLee got married!!  Congrats to Rayne and Jim who are having their first baby in July. I'll get a pic up of her beautiful wedding ASAP.   Congrats to Patty and Sammy who just got a house!  Also congrats to the newly engaged... Seema & Ashish, Alicia & Ken, Dawne & Mike, and Carmen & Rich.  Oh, and a big WELCOME HOME to
Danilo.  Don't forget to register to votePRAYERS FOR OUR SOLDIERS.   peace...
Go str8 to the PICTURES!!!
Just Me
Family (Main)

Cousins (Dad's Side)
Cousins (Mom's Side)
Javi & Sebastian
Neices & Nephews
Photo Albums
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