My Loose Gown

My long wanted loose gown is finally made.  And it only took 2 days.  The sleeves were made many years ago to accompany other outfits that I no longer wear.

I have wanted one for some time.  Loose gowns are far more functional than cloaks.   

My Italian Loose gown seen with Paduan Courtesan Wearing Fur Tippet or flea pelt from Album Amicorum of a German Soldier, 1595, Los Angels County Museum of Art

Also it is a handy thing to have for camping events.  Yes camping events.  Apart from looking better than a cloak or T tunic for the late night dash to the privies, picture this.  You have are having an afternoon siesta, or, cooking dinner and you are not completely dressed.  You get the call you are required in court or something like that.  Throw on your loose gown over your undies or dirty cooking apron and you look stunning for court.  NO one will ever know the truth about what is on underneath. 

Loose gowns have a few handy applications.  

For details on the very brief making of this garment check out the diary.  For the documentation check out this page.

I am wearing all my underpinnings for these photos.  Yes including an underskirt and corset.  This changes my body shape so I wanted to see how it sat over these.  Sits OKay really.

A casual stroll around the garden on a cool spring afternoon.  This is how the loose gown would look for a casual stroll around the villa gardens.  The mock oranges are loveliest late in the cool of a spring afternoon.  

Who Said the historical dress wasn't in fashionable colours?  Pink and Green are this seasons (summer 2004-5) fashion colours in the real world.

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All intellectual content, composition, layout, designs and photographs, unless otherwise noted are copyright 2007 to Deborah Lane ©, or, copyright 2003 to Deborah Murray © also known as Mistress Oonagh O'Neill ©. All Original renaissance art works and artefacts are not copyright to me, and are shown for educational use only .  If you see something you'd really like to use, please contact me!      

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