Little King Will Tour With Lisa Marie
One a Little King Shark's dreams is comin' true.

The well-known local Elvis impersonator will be performin with Lisa Marie Presley, daughter a Little King's idol, Elvis Presley, on her next tour. Ain't no date been set fer the tour yet.

"When I heard that Little King was such a big fan of my father, and did such a remarkable impersonation, I had to see for myself," Lisa Marie done said in a exlusive interview with The OCC. "Remarkable just isn't the word to describe him. As soon as I heard his voice, I knew I needed him to be my opening act."

Little King still ain't able to speek bout tourin with Lisa Marie on account a he's still in shock. But his daddy Festus Joe Shark done said "Singin on the same stage as Lisa Marie is purt near as good as singin with the King hisself. I ain't never been so proud a my boy."

Mad Cow Scare Hurts Dairy
On account a the discovry a that cow with mad cow disease sales a milk and whatnot out a the dairy is way down.

No one down to the dairy would comment any further bout the sales but Bubba J, who used to work down to the dairy, had hisself plenty to say.

"Folks just don't understand bout dairy cows and other cows. Ain't nuthin to worry bout with the dairy cows," Bubba J done said. "Far as I knows only them beef cows gets sick from mad cow. Anyhow, that there sick cow is all the way over to Washington state. How would us folks down to Louisiana ever git some a that there Washington cow?"

Bubba J, who now works down to the army navy store, said every so often he wishes he still worked down to the dairy so he could talk some sense into folks. He also said he misses handlin' teats on a daily basis.

Local Woman Wins State-Wide Contest
Bertha Mae Shark done won herself a award fer drinkin more coffee'n any other folks during a two-day state-wide contest.

Bertha Mae done her drinkin a coffee at her favrite spot, down to the diner. The contest was sponsered by Drink it Up for More Bucks (DUMB), a group that raises money for deaf/mute folks by having coffee-drinking contests all across the country.

"I don't rightly know how I done won," Bertha Mae done said. "Some a them other folks down to the diner gots a lot more sperience than I does when it comes to drinkin." She done added that she didn't sleep for the three days following the contest. "Of all the times fer them waitresses not to try and give me decaf like they's always tryin' to do."

More TV Time Fer Space Alien Expert
Award-winnin and world respected space alien expert Festus Joe Shark will be featured on a nother televsion show, this time on The History Channel.

Mr. Shark, who was named a space alien expert by the Space Alien Abduction Society on account a bein took by space alines about 30 times, will talk bout how space alien abductions has changed over the last 20 years.

"Them space aliens ain't changed too powerful much since they started takin me up in their ships," Mr. Shark done said, "but there is some things I'll be talkin about that's differnt. I can't tell y'all bout now on account a the television folks told me I can't say nuthin bout it to no one but them.


Farley Joe Biggs done got hisself arrested fer trying to rob Opelousas County Spirits & Such, the local liquor store. After Farley Joe done told the cashier, Bettie Irene Jenkins, to put all the money in a bag he done give her, he told her to give him a bottle a whiskey, too. Bettie Irene done told him she couldn't do that on account he weren't old enuff to drink. Farley Joe done gave Bettie Irene his ID to prove he was old enuff. After he done left, Bettie Irene done called the sheriff with Farley Joe's name and address.

Lenny Luke Lawson done become the first feller in his family to graduate from high school when he done finished all a his classes before Christmas brake. High school principal Louie Hank Dawson said they gave Lenny Luke his diploma early stead a makin him wait to June like other young folks has to do on account it was such a great accomplishment. Lenny Luke, who just turned 29 on his last birthday, said he ain't never been prouder a nuthin in his life. "And to think I got me my diploma fore I turned 30. Who'd a thunk?"
No one done got hurt when a pickup truck and a farm tractor done run into each other on the way to the weekly farmer's market. "I was just tryin to get my famus peach pies to the folks waitin fer 'em when he hit me," said Mary Marie Merry, who was drivin the pickup. The tractor driver, Tommy Joe Gleeson, done admitted it was his fault on account a he weren't lookin out fer other vehickles. Tommy Joe done said he's powerful happy no one done got hurt but he's a might sad bout all them peach pies smashed all over the road.

old issues a the newspaper

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