In my life I had many problems. If somebody would live with me, he would
say that my life had been enough hard. I know everybody have
problems, although some more than others.
     I don�t have parents. I saw my father just 1 or 2 times to the year. My mother always
was sick. I live all my life in the street. My unique family now
is my sister and my niece. That�s my family (earthly of course). One
time I almost went to the minor�s prison, but I don�t want to tell you
more about  how was my life and my problems because it is veeeeery loong
and also because it never to me mattered.
     So I want to encourage you to be always happy and joyful. Thanx to GOD I always had been around joyful people enough (in special Omar Rojas-always
young-I�m his pinino). We are a kind of Christians a little different.
For me my life wasn�t hard. It was ok, everybody says I�m strong,
and you can be it too. I encourage you to that. Don�t worry for
anything. Remember this life is fleeting, and all over I encourage
you to have goals, dreams or visions. GOD has a wonderful
plan for you, dream with something, have a vision and point toward
that, cling to those dreams, believe in them and go ahead without
nothing to stop you. And also PREACH THE WORD, because it is the best thing that exist, I can assure you, it IS THE BEST�
2 things more:
HAVE A COMMUNION WITH GOD AND SHARE ABOUT GOD. You can�t tell about someone that you don�t know
     My life is great. I wouldn�t ever change it. I have great dreams and I know GOD is agree
                                Francisco, Age 19
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