In the beginning of 7th grade I believed in God, but I didn't really show it. I swore a lot and I wasn't always the nicest person. I didn't listen to the best music and I basically wasn't living my life for God. I had been going to my confirmation classes and I got most of it all but you know I had my doubts about what I thought and stuff.     Until I went to Flower City Work Camp during Spring Break 2000. Wow, I got slapped over the head by God I don't know how many times. I cried almost every night. My confirmation was supposed to be the Sunday we got back from camp, and wow did I finally know I was ready.
    I prayed a lot and I talked to many people. I met Emily on my worksite and I love her a lot. She was one of the people I talked to the most, her and my friend Mary. They both helped me through so much that week.
    When I went back to school I was a completely different person. I told myself I wasn't going to swear anymore, which for me was hard at first but I haven't sworn in a while. Every once in a while something slips but I always have a couple people there to slap me when something does slip. I also completely changed how I acted and what I listened to. I now only listen to Christian music and sometimes soft rock and oldies. And after Flower City I had so many people ask me what had happened, why I changed so much. I finally wrote them an email explaining how much I had changed and that I had decided to re-devote my life to live for God, not with him. Which has helped me a lot.
     I have talked to many friends of mine about what I believe, one of them has
recently received Christ, and some of the others are atheists so its hard to get into there heads and show them how much God loves everyone. But I have talked to them and hopefully planted a couple of seeds. I am a lot nicer to people in general. I used to just talk and only kind of listen. Now a lot of my friends come to me when they need to talk, before they wouldn't. I have been one of the people that a lot of others come to for help, which shows me that God has a purpose in my life, even if it is to listen to my friends when they have a little problem or a major crisis. God has changed me for the better in so many ways. Many more than one.                                       
                                                                                       -Heather, age 14
A New Person In Christ
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