'Opened Eyes', a metaphor for clarity, was started officially no more than a half a year ago. Starting with only 2 guitarists, we have come a long way, filling the stages with drums, keyboard, our 2 guitarists, and our newly acquired bassist. As soon as the formula was set, a rigorous practice schedule ensued, until we worked as a cohesive unit, melding various ryhthmic and musical styles together. What came out was such a unique sound that makes it nearly impossible to put this band in a specific genre. Our forte is getting completely lost in jams on stage, with dan wailing high on the guitar riffs, joe slamming rhythm into his keys, barry ripping into his double bass drum, josh moving his structured bass riffs to hypnotic levels, and dave playing the strings off his acoustic. Don't know what the hell I'm talking about? Get some clarity and check out Opened Eyes, coming soon to Tobacco Road. In the meantime check out our mp3's here...
CB's Gallery August 24th, 2002
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