Chakra Dhyana
Mooladhara Chakra or the Base Energy Center:

Location: An inch below the anus region.

Awareness must always be maintained at the region.

Visualization:  A four petaled red lotus & in the center of the lotus there is a pillar to which a snake is coiled 3� times with its hood up.

Bija Mantra: Lan(g) with �g� silent.
Swadhisthana Chakra or the second energy Center

Location: Tip of the Spine or tailbone.
Awareness must always be maintained at the region.

Visualization: Six petaled orange-colored lotus with water (Blue in color) flowing in the center.

Bija Mantra: Van (g) with �g� silent.
Manipura Chakra
or the Navel Center

Location:     At the Naval.

Awareness must always be maintained at the region.

Visualization: A Ten petaled Yellow Color Lotus with a Burning fire at the center.

Bija Mantra: Ran (g) with �g� silent
Anahata Chakra or the Heart Center 

Location: At the center of the chest

Awareness must always be maintained at the region.

Visualization: A 12 petaled Green Color lotus with a small Lamp burning at the center of the lotus.

Bija Mantra: Yan (g) with �g� silent.hata Chakra or the Heart Center
Vishuddhi Chakra or the Throat center

Location: At the epiglottis (lump of the Throat)

Awareness must always be maintained at the region.

Visualization: 16 petal dark blue colored lotus with Space (light blue sky or space) in the middle of the Lotus.

Bija Mantra: Han (g) with �g� silent
shuddhi Chakra or the Throat center
Ajneya Chakra or the Third eye Center
Location:        At a point where the two eyebrows meet (Bhrumadhya )

Awareness must always be maintained at the region.

Visualization: A 2 petaled indigo color lotus with sun on the left petal and moon on the right petal and a pillar at the center of the Lotus where blue energy (prana) is flowing.

Bija Mantra: AUM (pronounced as aaa- ooo� mmm in the ratio of 3: 2 : 1
Sahasrara Chakra or the Crown Center Location: Center of the head or crown of the head.

Awareness must always be maintained at the region.

Visualization:  A Thousand petaled violet color lotus with a huge brilliant bright golden light at the center.

Bija Mantra: Om Sat Chit Ananda Parabrahma

Purushothama Paramatma

Sri Bhagavathi Sametha

Sri Bhagavate Namaha
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