For the first time here is a systematic way to Open the Third Eye. To have the ability TO SEE in all  dimensions of space and time and beyond this reality, True Inner Sight . Various methods from different esoteric traditions are explain in depth and the proper uses to get good results.  This is an experiential workshop. This method of instructing will be like a series of  initiations of techniques  to stimulate all the chakras and pranic channels. These techniques also raise the energies of the Kundalini to Open the Third Eye safely. By this integration and synthesis of these methods you will fully understand your Third Eye and it functions.

Teacher/Facilitator: John V.  Ladalski also known as Sri Jnanadev 

Introduction to the  Newly Revised Course

Explanation history of the arcane, psychic, occult, spiritual and mystical traditions concerning the Third Eye. The Third Eye is not the Ajna Chakra only, but of three head centers that forms it. Its called the �Blue Pearl� and �The Jewel In The Lotus�. The purpose and use of the Third Eye is  RV or  Remote Viewing, able to do OOBE & further advancement to higher samadhi state and finally to Enlightenment. You can develops Inner Sight, supernormal vision, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience and higher intuition though the opening. The techniques in how to use the Third-Eye For Manifesting Desires.

The Complete Course Techniques from different traditions to open your Third Eye 

1) The Kriya Yoga and Babaji and the Kriya Masters

2 ) Use of Master Charles and his Synchronicity  High-Tech Audio Tapes & CD,  

3)  Methods of the Siddhas, Chanting and Shakti

4) Tibetan Tantric Vajrayana Buddhist Traditions., Tum'o / Candali

5)  Hindu Tantric Kundalini Yoga of the Siddhas 

6)  Trans-Himalayan Ascended Masters

7) Buddhist Theravada Dhammakaya Meditation

8) Kabbalistic Way of Meditation , Tree of Life ,for clairvoyance

This teaching has been   very successful,  the Opening of the Third Eye Course groups and in special  private instruction.  It has been very successfully taught in India, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia , in Hong Kong and Taiwan.  All participates achieve excellent results, Opening of Third Eye, deeper meditative states, bliss, one-pointed awareness, mind control, samadhi states, supernormal visions, recalling past lives and if steady practice is done, possible communication with Siddha Yoga Masters. Prelude to the more advanced Shambhala Ascension Meditation Course.

The Explanation on the  Different Levels of THIRD EYE OPENING
Levels that can be achieved with practice*

The Eye of Shiva, Rainbow Eye and Golden Eye accures when fully develop it. Tthe Etheric Eye ,  Astral or Celestial Eye,see Causal Levels, that can see past lives; view the Time Track.The Mental Level or the Mental Eye for Remote Viewing.  Buddhic  Eye or the  Divine Eye is Intuitive Insight, and higher .
The Divine Eye of Buddha you see you rown Dhammakaya or  Buddha Body and Nirvana
Special Levels: The All-Seeing Eye of GOD  

FEE :   $700 Rm,    1 to 5   ; 6 to 10 is $600RM  Malaysia
           $280Aus                              900,000Rp  Indonesia                           $250US         USA          
18 hours/2 full days or One Wk/end 

(Additional 25%+  for Private Instruction)

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