Siddhis and the Chakras WORKSHOP

Taken in part from workshop transcript "Chakras and Siddhi Powers"
From"Preparation for Enlightenment" workshop series created conducted by
Conducted by now Sri Jnanadev Ygi

"Chakras are sometimes called "wheels of the mind" or "forests of desire". They are psychic centers that can not be described fully from a psychological or material perspective in the same way a painting can not be considered to be lines, points, curves, shades and shapes. Chakras are energy centers that are interelated with the autonomous, parasympathetic and and sympathetic nervous systems.

Each individual perceives and understands life through the perspective of the chakra in which he fells the most comfortable. As the chakras are not material it is perhaps eaiest to think of this as the individual's presiding state of consciousness, or his "point of awareness." When the point of awareness and kundalini merge in the upper chakras enlightenment experiences occur. Sometimes they are permanent, sometimes not.

Siddhi Powers are sometimes gained by focusing on various chakras causing an activation of that specific energy center. Siddhi powers are sometimes experienced as a result. In the ancient tradition of enlightenment, siddhi were passed down from master to seeker through diksha. The diksha or spiritual initiation can be likened to a seed. It is then supported or nurtured through various sadhanassuch as yoga or chakra meditation. Sidhartha (Buddha) received many such dikshas from his teachers in his struggle to attain mukti.

Following is a list of 23 siddhi powers:

Considered to be the Warrior Siddhi Powers:

Trikalajriatvam- knowledge of the past, present and future.
Advandvam: to be beyond pleasure-pain, cold-heat, soft- hard. Non-duality.
Parachittadyabhijnata: knowledge of dreams and the mind.
Pratishtambah: control of effect of fire, wind, water, poisons, weapons, and the sun.
Aparajayah: Victorious. Not able to be defeated.

The next are considered only to occur as the heart begins to purify and flower:

Anumimattvam: hunger, thirst, grief, sorrow, infatuation, delusion and confusion of the mind, old age and death do not harm the body.
Doorshravan: to hear, sitting at one place, speech from however distant a place.
Dudarshan: to see simultaneously events and things in all the realms.
Manojava: the body can travel at the speed of thought to any place.
Kaamaroopa: to assume any form. Shapeshifting.
Parakayapravesh: ability to enter into another's body, whether they are dead or alive.
Swachchandamrutyu: to die at one's own will, death having no control over one.
Sahakridanudarshanam: to see the sports of gods in heaven and have capacity and prowess to participate in it.
Yathaasamkalpa samsiddhi: to attain whatever is desired.
Ajnaapratihataagatih: whereby one's command and movement have no obstruction

These are considered to be the highest siddhi powers:

Anima: the reduction of one's form to one atom. Invisibility
Mahima/Garima: the body can be made to be very heavy.
Laghima: the body can be made to be extremely light
Prapti: abilty to acquire objects of sense pertaining to the respective organs.
Prakaashya: to see invisible things in other realms.
Ishitaa: to stimulate bodies and creatures Control of forces of nature.
Vashita: to have control or dominion over the senses.
Yatkamastadavasyati: To obtain joy by willing it so. The cessation of misery and desire. This is considered to be the highest state of bliss

Some effects of meditation on the various chakras are as follows:

This Chakra is situated in the basal region of the vertebral column at the mid spot between anus and penis. In meditation, this Chakra is visualised as a red lotus possessing four petals. This is the resting place of the Kundalini Shakti, which lies here as a snake having three and half coil. This Chakra is the symbol of Earth element.
("Foundation") or Root Chakra-Darduri Siddhi or Frog Jump Siddhi. Can rise in the air by various degrees.
Whatever one thinks will happen, Memory of past lives. Freedom from disease and tremendous cleverness. Security, inner purity, softness of the voice, the burning of all sins. The mind is conquered and success is obtained without doubt. Whatever one thinks will happen.

When this chakra is not open and not cleared, if your  the awareness point is in Mooladhara there will be great anger and often-clenched fists and tightened jaw. There may be violent or angry behavior often based on insecurity. He generally sleeps between 10 & twelve hours a night often on his stomach.

Activation of this results in riddance from tensions, true happiness, beauty, perfect health and physical strength, magnetic persona.

VAM   This is the Beej Mantra of the first petal and its activation leads to increase in Ras or the  life force. Also the entire nervous system becomes active.
SHAM   Activation of this petal leads to gain of Roop or metal and physical beauty, laughter and freedom from all  tensions.
SHAM  Activation of this petal to leads to increase in Majjaa of physical strength and power.
SAM   Soundarya or beauty is gained through activation of this petal. Also one gains  a magnetic power of attraction.

This Chakra is located in the vertebral column just opposite to the penial region. In meditation, this Chakra is visualized as a vermilion colored lotus having six petals. This semi lunar Chakra is the symbol of Water element.

("Dwelling Place of the Self")Second Chakra-Charisma, psychic powers, control of the senses. Creative ability and reflective nature. Freedom from jealousy, greed, lust and anger. Perfection of relationships. Deep inner peace.

When this chakra is not open and not cleared, if your  point of awareness is in Swadistana one tends to live in a fantasy world-thinking himself a king, a savior or destroyer of evil, or superhuman-perhaps an alien. He has high self-esteem and is often chivalrous. Desire for physical sensations and fantasy are the obstacles here as is restlessness, anxiety, confusion and delusion. He will often like about 8-10 hours of sleep and will often sleep in a sort of fetal position.
Activation of this results in freedom from stomach ailments, increase in sex power, and cure of sexual debility, increase in courage and fearlessness and magnetism.

Inside the vertebral column, this Chakra is situated just opposite to the naval region. This ten petalled lotus is of blue colour. The Yantra of this Chakra is triangular in shape and it represents the fire element.
("The City of Gems"), Third Chakra-Patala Siddhi or the giver of constant happiness.
Disease is conquered. Fire of Life is brilliant. Has conquered Time and can become very long lived. Can enter the body of another, make gold, see hidden treasures, and discover cures for disease and medicines. Understanding of physiology. Egotism is lost. The power to create and destroy.
Obstacle in Manipura are desire for personal power and recognition. This is the plane of dharma and selfless serving. When this chakra is not open and not cleared, if your  point of awareness is in Manipura one will often sleep 6-8 hours a night often on the back.
Activation of this results in perfect digestion, riddance from ailments like kidney stones, diabetes, liver problems etc. Success in amazing Sadhanas like flying in the air, walking on water, telepathic contact with animals and plants, perfection in Pranayama and the highest achievement is success in Meditation.



DAM   On activation of this petal all the nerves of navel region are made alive due to which all ailments related to the  stomach are cured, the digestion becomes perfect and the person becomes healthy.
DHAM  The navel is the center of Yogic powers in a human being and on activation of the various Yogic powers. He can then sit still for hours in the same posture, one gains the knowledge of the various Yogic powers. He then sit still for hours in the same posture, breathing, and also one can remain without food for days at a stretch and gains a  perfect physique.
NAM   On activation of this petal the earth element disappears and he gains to fly like a bird.
TAM    On activation of this petal he becomes capable of walking on water.
THAM   When this petal gets activated the person can go and come as he pleases.
DAM   Activation of this petal gives the power to walk at a tremendous speed and cover miles in just a few seconds.
DHAM   The power to understand the language of birds, animals and trees is gained on activation of this petal.
NAM     On Activation of this petal a person becomes immune to extreme cold, heat etc. He can at will adapt himself to the  nature and can interfere in nature and bring about change in seasons.
PAM    When this petal gets activated a feeling to work for the good of mankind rises in one's heart. One becomes a capable leader and guide for the masses.
PHAM  Activation of this petal leads to the first experience of the state of meditations and a person becomes ready for spiritual upliftment.

The relative position of this Chakra inside the vertebral column is just opposite to the cardiac region (heart). This red colored lotus possesses twelve petals and it represents the Air element. Activation of this Chakra illuminates the entire body and the entire vertebral column starts vibrating.

("Unstricken"), Fourth or Heart Chakra-knowledge of past present and future.
Clairaudience and clairvoyance. Ability to walk in the air. Ability to travel at speed of thought all over the world. The effect of meditating on Anahata are considered to be esoteric. It is to be experience for oneself.
When this chakra is  open and  cleared, if your  the kundalini and point of awareness meet in anahata, the enlightenment experience of seeing God in everything (not a concept but the actual seeing) occurs, a knowing and feeling as well called Christ Consciouness. Awareness of ones karma.
When this chakra is not open and not cleared, if your  obstacles in Anahata are experiences of purgatory, restless wondering and emotional disturbance. In anahata sleep is from 4-6 hours a night often on the left side.
Activation of this results in peace of mind, boundless divine joy, total freedom from tensions, power to look into future, power of hypnosis, entering into Samadhi (divine trance), riddance from problems related to heart, increase in soft emotions like love, affection and kindness.

Inside the vertebral column this Chakra is located opposite the throat region. This lotus of smoky colour possesses sixteen petals and it represents the sky element.
("Pure") Throat Chakra-Calmness Serenity, Purity, command of speech and mantras, understanding of dreams.  Masters entire self. Becomes unconscious of outer world and enjoys inner realm. The mind ceases to be a problem. Supreme reasoning overcomes the heart. This chakras relates to the "chit" or Cosmic Consciousness. Knowledge only is sought.
When this chakra is not open and not cleared, if your  obstacles are negative intellect which can occur through ignorance of using knowledge unwisely.
The one whose awareness is in Vishuddhi generally sleeps from 4-6 hours nightly, changing sides. When the point of awareness and kundalini meet in Vishuddhi, the enlightenment experience common to Taoism and Islamic Sufis is experience. It is a state of non-judgement.
Activation of this results in riddance from all ailments related to throat, thyroid etc., increase in knowledge, gain of power of eloquence, deeper Samadhi, perfection in the art of Hypnotism, gain of power to die when one wills, total material success like comforts, wealth, fame etc.

n Brahma Nadi (enclosed by vertebral column) this Chakra is located just opposite the mid spot between the two eyebrows. This white lotus has only two petals.

("Authority" or "Unlimited Power") Brow Chakra-
Destroys the Karma of past lives. Receives benefits of all the chakras while meditation on Ajna. Freedom from all conditioning. Continuous state of samadhi (realized non-duality). Induce visions of past, present and future. Whatever he desires comes true. All internal and external changes cease to be a problem.
When the kundalini and point of awareness are here the state of enlightenment common to Buddhism, advaita vedenta, jnanayoga is experienced. The dependently arising nature of the universe is realized and there is an appeasement of all obsessions. Those with awareness point in Ajna sleep little.
Also called the Third Eye its activation brings wondrous powers like clairvoyance, telepathy, power of giving curses or blessings, instant fulfillment of anything one wishes, and gain of knowledge related to all subjects and sciences, power to control thoughts of others and interfere even in nature.

Beyond these six Chakras at the upper termination of the spinal cord, is the thousand petalled lotus; the abode of Lord Shiva (supreme being). When the Kundalini Shakti unites itself with the supreme being, the aspirant gets engrossed in deep meditation during which he perceives infinite bliss.
This is a subtle center in the brain. On activation of Sahasrara a very fine, elixir-like secretion is produced from it, which permeates the whole body thus making the human forever free of all ailments.
Sahasrara Chakra is also termed as Dasham Dwar of Brahmarandhara. In my view, this Chakra is situated two inches deep inside both the temporal region and three inches deep from the midspot between the eyebrows that is in the middle portion of cerebral hemispheres. From the throat, it is located three inches above the palate and inside the brain it is located in a small hole above the 'Maha Vivar' foramen of cerebrum.
Awakening of Sahasrara renders the aspirant liberated from corporeal bondages and attachments. He is endowed with all kinds of divine attainments including 'Ashta Siddhi' and 'Nava Nidhi'. He becomes an omniscient Yogi. Being emancipated from the cycles of birth and death, he certainly achieves the final beatitude.
One is fully enlightened and can then envision any event going on anywhere in the universe with out entering into Samadhi. All natural elements come under one�fs control.
Really, fortunate is the person who attains his divine Guru. That person is fortunate who strives for awakening of the Kundalini Shakti and only that person is called God-illumined who after activating his Kundalini Shakti, gets the totality of life
(Thousand Petaled or also called Shunya meaning "Empty" or "Void")-The plane of happiness. No activity of the mind. No knower, no knowledge, nothing to be known. Knowledge, knower and known become one and liberated. Feelings, emotions and desires are dissolved into their cause. Union is achieved. Non-dual consciousness occurs as long as in physical body. All siddhis are obtained. Yet he has transcended the desire to use those siddhis or manifest his desires.
When the point of awareness and kundalini merge here the enlightenment experiences common to Hinduism are received. There is no separation between the experience and the experiencer. (I am that).

The Sanskrit Chant that activates Sahasrara is:


In general, the siddhi has the realization of non-duality. Thought and objective are no different. What stands between energy and matter is time. The wisdom of the relationship between energy matter and time can lead to freedom.
I  teach to you a chakra activation meditation that will help you greatly on your journey. It has been used by siddhis and enlightened beings throughout the ages and is part of the daily sadhana that is prescribed before one can participate in a Mukti Yajna at Satyaloka and receive the dikshas. Those that are able to fast today should do so. Those going to Satyaloka will be fasting one day a week as preparation.
You will be given an herb that is gathered in the mountains of India that will remove the mucus that your body has accumulated for that week. It will be necessary to work on and purify the physical body before attending the Mukti Yajna. Excess mucous in the body will be a detriment to you on your journey.

Remember, the yajna starts for you from when you apply, not when you set foot in Satyaloka. If you are well prepared you will receive tremendous benefit.  We have spoken about consciousness  and I would like to pose a question for you to contemplate.. The question is: "What is consciousness?"

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