The Useful Of Plants For Human's Need And Theraphy

          God order everything which grow on the ground and live in the water naturally have special aim for the human’s importance. Base on this order I go to the forest to see, look for the plants and based on guidande of my ancestors look for plants which can be used to cure all the ilness of people nowadays. Example of traditional medicine Yayasan Pusuk Buhit Sakti (Institution of Pusuk Buhit Supernaturally) which will be given patent right.

1.Teh Mulajadi ( Mulajadi Tea )

      In life Batak people in ancient time there was health drink so people where good in health and long life these drinks come from plants, they are : Papaga, Abbaluhat, Simarunap-unap, Sorgoniari, Hatindi, Bajora, Ludang.








Seventh kinds of these plants generally were drunk by ancestors in ancient time and having usefuls, they are :

-         Can bring food essence into brain

-         Bring food essence in to blood

-         Bring food essence into bones and vessels

-         Stop all the kinds of illness virus

-         Add body’s strength

2. Dappol Siburuk / Siburuk massage (medicine of vessel and bone)

     Medicine of Dappol Siburuk in ancient time came from burung Siburuk (Siburuk bird) which directly practiced by natural. Research and nearly all descent the Batak king used this medicine in daily life.

            Dappol means  : Massage

            Siburuk means : a Bird


Legend of Dappol Siburuk :


      In ancient time life a family which have only one child. One day the child fell from coconut palm and hit to stone, his father was trouble and sad because bones his child was crushed and broken, such as his vessels, while he had only one child.

One night the father prepared sacrifice and prayed to joint white blood of God with His blood and called spirit of good where is in His body (such as written before) after that in the night He dreamed ; an old man came to Him and said in the dream “ Behind your house there was nest of Siburuk bird which hatched (egg) just now, tie past break His leg, hand, neck and all his body were crushed but never die. After that wait for nine days and look back at the young bird will be cured, after that take its young with its nest, then please cook with coconut oil and use it to cure your child then He will be cured.”

Dappol Siburuk

3. Sirintak and Linong

      Eye is one of five sense which is very important in human’s life according to Batak people. According to Batak legend “ To bring outside illness from eye, bring in seed of sirintak into eye which ill, after that close eye and wait for a moment, because seed of Sirintak will pull all the illness which found in eye. Use once (1X) 19 days in order eye always health.

      In human’s eyes stay spirit of king Simosimin. When eyes are vague or covered by illness then the way of cure to be done such as order of the Batak king, as follow :

Sirintak          : Is Batak plant in Indonesian means to drow (bring out side), name of its ingredients same with its aim.

                          Why must   be 19 days? Because mother of Batak letter is 19 and all are done by eyes.


Linong           : After illness is brought outside from eyes, then water from plant root which is called Linong is dropped into eyes.


Sirintak Seed

Water Plant


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