IV. Batak Self Defence Art Inner


      Batak self devence art (Mossak) is one of Batak sport which was. Generally used by Batak ancestor in early time, to travelled life daily, and also face difficulties exhibition and breathing for human’s health.

Mossak Batak is same with theraphy and breathing in jointing human’s blood with god in order able to master inner power and pure power. Power from 3 continents, above continent, Mid continent and below continet which is found in human body, in ancient time everybody who wanted to study theraphy and stars knowledge, this mossak Batak also had to be taught so for every Batak formerly Mossak was a must to be studyed.


-         Mossak Batak is completed with step and movements to raise and move human’s vessels which total 9999

-         One of Batak selfdefence art to joint human’s blood with God.

-         One of inner power which useful to defend self and for the health

-         One of Batak self defencw art which generally used for exhibition and show for a big party in Batak land

-         One of Batak self defence art which generally used to welcome kings and heads of state


     We often hear Mossak Batak but we do not where to study it base on inspiration which I receive I try to arrange Mossak Batak becomes a sport which can be studied and to be matched. Mossak Batak is 9 rank or belts. Belt or rank at educational institution of Batak self defence art, as follow :



1.      Sabuk (belt) Tapak Pagar  

Explanation : In this belt or rank is studied basic of Batak self defence art what can be done and what can not be done with step to keep front, behind, left and right.







2.      Sabuk (belt) Desa nawalu  

Explanation : In this rank Mossak Batak study step 8 corners direction wind and step Pane Nabolon which stay in one village for 3 months according to book of Pane Nabolon.







3.      Sabuk Bintang Tuju (belt seven stars)  

Explanation : In this rank Mossak Batak study step and movement by using five senses.






4.      Sabuk (belt) Tapak seleman  

Explanation : In this rank Mossak Batak study steps and movements strength from three continent, mid continent and below continent.





5.      Sabuk Bintang Lima (belt five stars)  

Explanation : In this rank Mossak Batak study steps and movements knowledge 5 fingers and 5 human blood which can be jointed with God’s blood.





6.      Sabuk Siopat Suhi (belt four side)  

Explanation : In this rank Mossak Batak studies steps and movements about strength which can be found in vessels and human body.





7.      Sabuk Bintang Tolu (belt three stars)  

Explanation : In this rank Mossak Batak studies step and movements with earth energy.




8.      Sabuk (belt) Bolat  

Explanation : In this rank Mossak Batak studies step and movement and use air of supernatural power and holiness.





9.      Sabuk (belt) Ingsun  

Explanation : In this rank Mossak Batak studies step and main movement and key to secret from all belts are 8. 

So this 9th  belt is mother from all Mossak Batak.





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