Hello again, my dear studnuts! How happy I am to see your bright, smiling faces, and I can feel in my aching bones how eager you all are for greater in-the-deeps understanding of one of the most disgust poems ever written by our wonderful Roma Ryan – the poem that we will today thoroughly disrupt: I Want Tomorrow. And, as a bonus, after disrupting the poem, we are going to excavate the VIDEO! Now won't THAT be fun? And I see that Mr. Woof has thoughtfully parked his brand new starship outside, though not before ramming Mother Superioriosa’s equally brand new moped –though we must not follow that biker chain of thought, but wheel away, away, away unto our text. So please open your books to page 42.


Now, let me begin with no preambling about:


Dawn breaks, there is blue in the sky


You know, the opening phrase, “Dawn breaks,” reminds me so much of a former studnut here: Miss Dawn Rose Bright. This Dawn was amazingly klutzy: when she rose up she would break dishes, vases, her own femur and other organic bones, even her mother's much valued Timex by Enya ™, the watch that keeps Only Time! Yes, she was a walking disrupter and one of my prize students as a result, but I must not digress so early in our lesion.


Dawn breaks: aha! Roma is telling us the time of day at which this song takes wing. And Roma is always ready to give us the time of day! It is the break of Dawn; the sun is just peeping through the sky, like it's afraid to rise up - it probably fears that there are lovers lying in the long grass. Indeed, OperaKait, lying in grass is far better than smoking it, as Sister Hygenia often points out – excellent point, young lady! Hope has a place for you yet.


So, our song du jour begins at the break of Dawn, and:


There is blue in the sky


Now, does anyone know WHY the sky is blue? No, Miss Understanding, it does not have a hangover. And no, Master Corporal, it is not experiencing shortness of breath due to smog either. Miss Rhine, what do you say? No idea? Well, your assignment, my dear, is to research the scientific reason why the sky is blue and hand in an essay in 30 seconds. Oh my dear, you are now looking a bit blue yourself right now.


So, the sky is blue, and what happens? Well, the PERSONA of the poem, who we shall call Ivory for no apparent reason, is sitting and watching Dawn break in the blue sky, when – out of the blue –


Your face before me

Though I don’t know why


Our Ivory is seeing things! Hallucinations of faces, at Dawn! One wonders what she was doing all night, and whether it was legal. Be that as may it be, she sees a FACE: your face in fact, that is, classh, the face of an unknown second persona who is hiding in the poem, somewhere. Ivory sees this face, but does not know why! Now, Sister Sigmundia would tell us that our persona is digging deep into her psyche to expunge a hidden moment in time, a special part of the maze of moments that we all tread. In that moment, THIS face meant something to our persona. We just don't know why! And isn't that often the case, Miss Cued? We mere mortals never know the WHY of so many things. But there is worse to come:


Thoughts disappearing like tears from the Moon


Ivory is thinking, but her thoughts are, curiously, disappearing! Where are they going? Where DO thoughts go after you have thunk them, Master Card? Oh, I see: you avoid that phenomenon as much as possible.


But take note, Miss Keyed: her thoughts don’t just “disappear” - they vanish like tears from the Moon. What a lovely image Roma give us here - tears from the Moon! Well, we all know that the Moon has a face, ergo, then, the Moon can cry, and it does! My oh my, how its cries. It is shedding tears all over its face as it watches the video that accompanies this song, but I may be digressing again, or perhaps I’m just getting ahead of myself. Yes, I think so, but that thought just left. To return to Ivory: her thoughts, in summation, vanish like the tears of the Moon, for Roma has given us a Blue Moon, another great title for a song, but not by Roma, alas. True enough, but WHY does our effervescent poet introduce the Moon’s tears at this point in the narrative? Is she herself mooning, er, over something or someone, of course; or has she looked up at the Moon at midnight and NOT seen disappearing Loxian script? Does she tear the face of the Moon, so that, one by one, each tear falls like scrap paper dragged down by a lunar mouse?


But, before we venture onwards, I must mention a conversation I had with Sister Sigmundia about the title of this poem: I WANT TOMORROW. She pointed out, in her usual forceful way, that the title is AGGRESSIVE: it does not politely request tomorrow, but rather DEMANDS it; in her view, the persona is still in the 2-year old Freudian stage of life! Now, think upon this at home, after school please. Yes, Miss Guided, you may do this in the lotus position, on a rug with candles around you; just be careful not to burn your toes.


Yes, OperaKait? Why must I mention this? Well, I will explicate myself: you see, my dear, the Moon is also behaving like a 2-year old who cries when she cannot get what she doesn’t want, do U2? Yes, I thought so. And think how much the Moon DEMANDS: the very light of the SUN! And her tears become the TIDES, that wash the shore and clean our clothes before disappearing into the ocean that moves at her command. Why, that little Moon is a terrible toddler, not unlike yourself, OperaKait. Think about that.


Now, back to wherever it was we were.


Waiting here, as I sit by the stone


Ah yes! Our persona (aka Ivory) is WAITING, but for what? The face she saw in the previous stanza? Her disappearing thoughts to come back? Is she waiting for Godot? For the DART to Killiney? For her next royalty cheque? For Nicky to finish the new studio? For the DVD to be released in North America? Am I digressing? Oh dear.


Well, whatever or whoever she is waiting for, she is waiting as she sits by a stone! Is it Mick? Keith? Ron? Charlie? Is she that stoned? Or, is it a rune stone, full of cryptic Celtic comments (also known as the CCCs)? And notice that she waits BY the stone, not ON it -- much more comfortable, don't you think so, Miss Placed?


Now we come to (after waking up of course):


They came before me / those men from the Sun


Oh dear! Roma has here presented us with a referentia upabovia! In the previous stanza she gave us the tears of the MOON, and now we hear of men from the SUN! Not ladies, please note, for ladies know that the Sun is very hot and not conducive to existence; hence they prefer living on Venus.


Now, who are these very HOT men? Old Druids who would gladly rune everything? [Yes, Miss Rhine, that WAS an attempt at a joke, sorry.] BUT, perchance and perhaps Roma is here speaking to us in a metaphorical manner: these men are not really from the Sun, but come from the EAST, whence the sun rises each day, except in Ireland of course. Yes, wise men from the East! How utterly Biblical, and thus a perfect segue into the next line:


Signs from the heavens say I am the one


Our bewildered Ivory has been chosen! She has been given a SIGN! No, Master Mind, not a STOP sign. A sign from the heavens! Perhaps this is a comet racing across the sky, or a flock of birds alighting on a bronze statue of Nicky, or an Eclipse from another CD? The possibilities are indeed endless. Nevertheless, classh, a sign has been given by heaven itself that SHE is the ONE, but the ONE what, that is the question!


So, my fledglings, what does Roma mean by telling us that her poetic persona (aka Ivory) is THE ONE? Miss Matched? That Ivory is the one and only officious soap of the Olympics? Nice try but no gold medal. Master Piece? That Ivory is far superior to Ebony? Oh my, that is certainly a no-no! What do you think, little OperaKait?


That we ought to listen to the words of Roma herself in this regard – why, of course; what a smart pita you are! For Roma has indeed spoken unto us, as follows:


"This song was written for The Celts. Although a track had already specifically been written for Boadicea, the director nevertheless wanted a song to reflect not quite a "re-incarnation,” but a fascination or the idea of "being spellbound" by Boadicea."


So Ivory is being held in thrall by Boadicea! SHE is the one chosen by Boadicea herself to inherit all her jeans. Maybe even her Birkenstocks. The NEW and IMPROVED Queen of the I See Me’s, a very self-centered tribe if you ask me.


Well, with that out of the way, we may descend further into the poem, as the next line reads (though at a remedial level):


Now you're here, I can see your light


Well, it would seem, would it not, that our patiently waiting Ivory, indeed having the patience of someone awaiting the next Enya CD, has now been spotted by some more of those "men from the Sun." They were there before her, and they now make a comeback! And, being men from the Sun, they bring their own light with them – which, one hopes, will not add to their carbon footprint! We all know how much Roma worries about global swarming.


In any event, these reappearing men from the Sun are there to guide Ivory upon her Boadicean experience. They are in fact the Haralds of the I See Me Queen!


No longer puzzled, Ivory has seen their light: but what to do next?


This light that I must follow


Indeed, classh, there is a human tendency to follow the light, mainly because we get so lost in the dark! Why, one time I went camping and had to visit the washroom in the middle of the night - did I ever get lost! Fortunately, there was a young woman with a camera there, and she did tell me where to go! I guess she was waiting for someone else, but there I go, digressing again. So sorry.


So, Miss Interpreted, Ivory will, nay, MUST follow that light! There is no choice: Men from the Sun can be awfully persuasive when they have to be. After all, they control the Solar Wind and the Solar Flares and the Solar Zits. But what next:


You, you may take my lice away, so far away


Ah yes, heat is also very effective against lice and other pests! And back in the days of Boadicea, lice were not very nice. No wonder, Ivory wants to send them so far away.


Yes, OperaKait, who is waving her hand and jumping up and down upon her desk? Oh, Roma wrote “life” and not “lice.” Well, those budgie cuts here at Roma Ryan’s High have reduced us to hiring scribes with very bad handwriting – I simply must bring this up at our next faculty retreat at Gweedore.


So, lettuce begin again, with corrected handwriting:


You, you may take my life away, so far away


Oh dear! Our poem seems to turn suddenly and shockingly to the dark side: is Ivory’s father Darth Vader? Are these Solar Men going to incinerate her? To send her to Mars, where she must live among men? To make her move to Canada, where she will assuredly live among icebergs?


So, classh, these Men from the Sun may indeed take her life away, or at least, life as she presently knows it. Now, is our persona here merely lamenting her Solar Fate, OR is she INVITING these sunny fellows to take her life away? Or is she giving them PERMISSION to do so? OR, as I am sure Miss Rhine would point out, is she reacting in FEAR? And, if they should succeed in taking her life away, how FAR it will go? Will she end up right on the toasty Sun, or just in rainy Limerick?


We haste to learn what perspires next:


Now I know I must leave your spell

I want tomorrow


Aha! Ivory does NOT want to be incinerated by any Men from the Sun! Now, please keep this concept of INCINERATION in mind, for we will be meeting it again when we exhume the video for this poem.


Hence, she must break their spell, perhaps employing the incredibly powerful "Spell-Unbound by Enya" ™, the potion that none other than Harry Potted endorses. And so, the poem concludes with a very affirmative assertion: I Want Tomorrow! Yes, our persona is now strong, confident, able to assert her wishes. And she wants tomorrow, although what is so special about a Tuesday defeats me completely.


Nevermind – the point is this: Ivory will survive to live another day, or even more, she will find her way home, where she will remember only good days when flaming men were not harassing her. She HAS a future, and it is called Tomorrow. Brava, Ivory, you make me so proud! What an inspiring tale Roma has concocted for us here.


In fact, Roma was on such a roll here, perhaps a Kaiser, that she brought to life THE Enya video that set the world on fire!


I am now going to play it for you, classh, and then there will be a quiz! No, Miss Ery, tears are not enough to make me change my mind.



[the video is played]



There, wasn’t that imaginative? I did notice how all of your jaws dropped, by the way. Which meant that you actually stayed awake for once during a video! Now take out a piece of paper and your Enya Neverending Pens ™.


Question 1:


As the video begins, we see Enya sitting in the rain, surrounded by a bunch of very scruffy looking men. Why is she wearing a wig with long pigtails?


Question 2:


Who exactly ARE those scruffy looking men around her:


a. Men from the Sun who are down on their luck


b. The remaining troops of Boadicea


c. A bunch of bums Nicky found downtown who would work for peanuts


Question 3:


In the video Enya and the scruffy men (see above and beyond) are shown walking down a street. What is the NAME of that street?


Question 4:


In the next vignette men are seen digging holes. What are shown in the field around them? And why?


Question 5:


As the video regresses, we see Enya, still in that charming wig, sitting in a damp and windy place, with what looks like a lake behind her. She is singing about Men from the Sun, and - suddenly - a weathered human man turns to face the camera. Is this man:


a. A man from the Sun


b. Farmer John


c. Mick Jagger


Question 6:


Why does Enya incinerate the car?


a. It was really a Roman chariot in disguise


b. She was suffering from sun-stroke


c. Nicky made her do it!


Now please hand in your papers as you gallop for the door. And I do hope this lesion has taught you some lessons about the danger of playing with fire.





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