Right now there are thousands of men and women serving our country and  missing their families and loved ones.  My cousin's husband, Sgt. Stan Villiers left his wife Amanda and two little girls on November 13, 2003 to serve for a year in Iraq. Stan was originally from Marengo, IL but has been in the Army for 6 years, 3 of which he was stationed in Germany. Now he is serving with a company of about 100 others.  I am selling Girl Scout cookies along with all the other Girl Scouts at this time.  Everyone knows and loves Girl Scout cookies...it has become kind of an American tradition to bite into a Thin Mint  (or devour an entire box) this time of year.  I have been asking friends and family to think about our soldiers abroad and donate a box of cookies so they can be sent to Iraq where Stan and others can taste a little bit of home. Our troop will be having 3 booth sales in March where we will ask for more donations before we ship them off .  Thank you everyone for all your support.     
Sgt. Stan Villiers
Stan with other American soldiers in Kuwait, before leaving for Iraq
Stan with his daughters
Christina and Hannah
To date we have sold
boxes of Girl Scout cookies to send to Stan and his company!! 
Thank you!
We are now planning to send half of the boxes to another company as well, so more soldiers will know we are thinking of them.  Please check out the link below to learn more about the other soldiers we are sending cookies to.
Thanks again to
who supported us in this project!
Our most recent picture of Stan
Please visit the links below to meet the girls in my troop who have agreed to help me collect cookies for the soldiers during our booth sales and also see all the wonderful people who have contributed.
Our Girl Scout Troop #251
Thank you to everyone who has contributed
Meet the other soldiers we are sending cookies to
Please let me know what you think of my site!!
Email Me! [email protected]
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