



Congressman admits in writing that the true intent of Operation Pipe Dreams is to bypass the First Amendment.


Bongs Vs. Cigarettes

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         The drug war is and always has been a war against a culture and it's ideals. Charlatans who have no respect for the values upon which this country was founded have undermined  us, intimidated us, committed acts of violence against us, slandered and libeled us publicly for many, many years. As many of you have seen in the past months they have decided to start attacking our nation's Headshops. Federal and state laws have for over 2 decades made sale of drug paraphernalia a fineable, and imprisonable offense. Their main weapon is the fact that the types of pipes commonly used for smoking marijuana (bongs, chillums, glass)  are almost never used for smoking tobacco or other legal herbs. This has made the overlords' job of declaring what is and is not drug paraphernalia much easier.

     I believe their sole intent in this is to silence the voices of pipe merchants by giving them reason to fear speaking out against the drug war. If it weren't for the fact that Headshop owners have to constantly cover their asses, many would have become local headquarters for the reform movement. The intent of paraphernalia laws is to oppress speech, keep people who would otherwise be community leaders under their thumb, and inhibit  would-be reformers from organizing at a local level. 

      Lawmakers want to bullshit around the first amendment by attacking and intimidating people because of their ideas, their message, and what they represent by making up phony crimes to charge them with. 


Our response is clear and simple:

       Tobacco smokers who value liberty, and oppose the drug war and the governments attempts to silence us should take to smoking bongs in public as a political statement against the war on drugs. This would both be a sign of solidarity amongst those of us yearning to be free, and would set a precedent for bongs being used to smoke tobacco  As a form of EXPRESSION .


     It is then, and only then, that this issue will  truly be recognized for what it has been all along; A matter of freedom of  speech and expression. 


The Bong is mightier than the sword.





















































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