When smoking your Liberty Bong in public, you can expect a certain amount of attention to be drawn to yourself. It is not really necessary to go out of your way to attract it. Remember, what you're doing really isn't all that special, nor should it be. Some people may find it shocking and disturbing, some may not. The correct answer is that it is, in fact, not. It is a political statement and realistically should not be any more "disturbing" than wearing a t-shirt with a political message on it, or having a political bumper sticker on your car.

Don't expect anyone to be impressed .


If anyone shows interest tell them what's up, and give them a card or a flyer. Some people might mistake you for someone smoking Cannabis, possibly becoming irate. Calmly explain to them that it is only tobacco and that it is nothing for them to get worked up over. You might want to give them a flyer or card as well. If  you are at a restaurant or bar, and an employee or owner asks you to put it away or to leave then you should do so, but be sure to leave them a flyer and try to explain to them that it is only tobacco. If you do personally prefer  the flavor of smoking tobacco out of your Liberty Bong over that of cigarettes, now would be a good time to mention it.

Do not have anything illegal on your person, or in your vehicle. You can probably expect to be interrogated by a police officer, and possibly searched. Follow standard procedures with this and do not consent to anything even though you will have nothing to hide. If your Liberty Bong is confiscated be sure to do everything you can to get it back. If they take it, make sure you let them know that you intend to get it back, and ask them what the correct procedure for that is. If the officer(s) tell you that you will not be getting it back you will need to go down to the station and discuss it with someone there. If they just try to shrug you off do not give up. Call them every day and ask them if you may please have your property returned to you. DO make sure that your Liberty Bong has never been used to smoke anything illegal.



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