Hope everyone had a fun season! If you plan on coming back next year make sure you fill out an online application sometime in January. Click HERE . If this link dun work, just click on jobs at the OP website and follow the directions. Take a look at OP's job book while you're at it: CLICK HERE!

New pics are posted throughout the pics section. Just look for dem!

Welcome to the 2003 Ontario Place Operations website! It's not exactly state of the art, but hey, it's up and running, and that's all that matters! ;)
[don't mind all the error messages..I can't seem to figure those out]

This page is meant for humour and does not serve any other purpose!

To staff: Hey, my fellow co-workers! Here's your very own OP website. If you haven't seen David [aka paparazzi man], then watch out for him! Who knows..YOUR pic could end up on this site! ;)

To sups: Hey boss! Just like us, there are some [interesting] pics of you too! And watch out for David (Joy, you especially). He'll be around and about, harassing following you guys with a camera.

Special thanks to David Yim for all the pictures! :)

Wow, lookie here! Took these pics off the pod roof on Sunday. Nice eh?
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