-->Al's item pick for the season:
*The printer!*

  • It jams in every booth I'm in
  • Always prints half a wristband after each transaction
  • It always fixes itself when a sup comes in (esp Sheena!!)
  • The noises it makes when it gets jammed!

    So congrats to the printer! It has earned Al's Item Award for the season!
    *In second place comes the stapler with its non-stapling routine*

    The other day I got put at gates. And oooh, guess what, me and Karyn were dancing to the YMCA song, and guests thought we had lost our marbles. Of course I didn't! And they're called spheres, not marbles. Besides, I don't have marbles! I have tetrahedrons!

    Song for the moment!
    I made this up off the top of my head too. There's a story behind it. Listen and try to imagine the music that goes with it:
    The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout. Out came the rain and washed the spider out. Then came Ali and stomped the spider flat.

    Story: Ok, so I didn't exactly stomp it flat..more like..took a vacuum and sucked it up the tube and ran the vacuum for 2 minutes to make sure it was dead.
    So actually the lyrics should be Then came Ali and sucked the spider up the vacuum. But OH WELL. Good song :)

    -->Al's position pick for the season:

  • Everyone who passes by already has a PAD
  • So much time to kill! Look at what Sharon did the other day
  • The huge noisy air conditioner is such a WONDERFUL piece of furniture
  • Isolation is KEY in developing customer service skills

    So congrats to CUP! It ha earned Al's Position Award for the season!
    *In second place comes WUP, with its wonderful hairy spiders*
    Inside Jokes...
    For the things listed below, use your imagination and think of what they could possibly mean. For the people listed below..haha..that was a good laugh!
    Karyn: Booth buddies
    Nataine: Recycling staff
    Nnaziri: YEA! Mini golf all the way!
    Ingrid: "The clock hasn't been eating well.."
    Tyler: Special special cards..especially the challenged one
    Gabrielle: C5 Express!
    Desebel: Biolology

    Things you would hear me say when I'm tired..
    "My rail nipped.."
    "My gum hurts from chewing my head too much"
    "I came up to centre to do something..now I can't remember"
    Once I wrote $0.00 as the total on my cash sheet even though I made over $2000

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