Coalition Forces
Insurgent Forces
Operation Vigilance
Welcome to the website for Operation Vigilance. This event will be hosted by the WarGame Room on Sunday, September 10th. The cost of this event is $20 per player. Please visit each of the pages on this site in order to get a good feeling for what the event is about.

As of 8/29/06, this website has been updated with new event rules and information. Please read through this website and familiarize yourself with all the event rules.

A few of the special things planned for this event are...
- An APC/Vehicle used during the game
- Working RPG rocket launchers
- Special effects
- Military oriented objectives
- Civilians
- Prize Raffle
- Custom event kill rag
- and more!

Time & Place
For directions to the WarGame Field, please visit
www.thewargameroom.com. Players are encouraged to arrive early to chrono, register, and go over the rules of the event. If you already do not have your waiver filled out at the WarGame Field, you must have one filled out for this event; it is required.

8:00 AM- Field Opens
9:30 AM- Briefing
10:00 AM- Game Begins
4:00 PM - Game Ends and Raffle

*NOTE: This game is designed to run in a constant 6 hour block of playing time. Players may take breaks whenever they would like, but are encouraged to bring extra ammunition, water, and food with them.

Rules and Event Information
Extra Shirt- Every played is encouraged to bring an extra different colored BDU top or shirt with them to the game. Players will be shifted from one team to the other if the sides are uneven.
Cheating- Is not tolerated. There will be 3 full time OCs at this event and each team will have hidden OCs. Hidden OCs are players playing in the game that are looking out for cheaters and will remove them from the game if found. Cheat and you get ejected from the game... so don't cheat!
FPS Rule
s- Normal assault weapon's limit is 400 FPS with 0.20g, and sniper rifles from 400 to 550 (no hi caps, no full auto, minimum engagement of 100 feet). Please be wary of close quarters combat and use the bang rule when applicable.
Casualty Shee
t- When insurgents are killed, they must write their name on a sheet at their respawn. When Coalition forces are killed, they must write their name on a sheet at their insertion point. This does not influence the outcome of the game, but will show how many casualties are being inflicted to each side in the AAR (After Action Report) of the event.
Field Hospita
l- Players from both teams may take advantage of the field hospital as long as they can convince the medical person stationed in it to help you. Both Insurgents and Coalition forces may "dead man carry" their wounded into the field hospital in order to have them healed. The hospital will have a large white towel with a red cross draped over one wall to distinguish it from the other buildings.
Middle Eastern Headres
s- Although everyone in the game will follow the uniform requirements of their teams, the Iraqi Insurgents are required to wear a headress. This must be a shemagh or sheet wrapped around the players head or loosely worn but secured by a band. Look at the Insurgents page for an example of the headress. Insurgents are also allowed to wear swat hoods and balaclavas.
e- Extreme caution must be used in and around the vehicle. You are not allowed to climb on the outside of the vehicle or shoot the driver of the vehicle. The vehicle may have one gunner that sits in the passenger side of the vehicle. This gunner may shoot out of and be shot from outside of the vehicle.. A blue cloth attached to the antenna will show that it is on the Coalition side. A green cloth will show that it is on the Insurgent side. The vehicle can be eliminated if shot with an RPG (tube that shoots a nerf football) and will have a large red sheet draped over it to show that it's destroyed.
s- Although civilians are noncombatants, they are a part of the game. If either the Insurgents or Coalition forces mistreat the civilians, they may rebel, riot,  and possibly shut down the field hospital.
s- Each team will be given a list of objectives that will be available throughout the entire day. Once those objectives have been met, that team will be given points based on how hard the objectives are. Missions will also be revealed to the force commanders via envelopes during certain times of the day. These missions will run for a specific amount of time.
Kill Ra
g- Each and every player must use a kill rag to signify when they have been eliminated from the game.
WarGame Field Rule
s- Any other rules not mentioned here that are normally in affect at the WarGame Field will be in place during the event.
Photo provided by www.defenselink.mil
Photo provided by www.defenselink.mil
Photo provided by www.defenselink.mil
This event is planned and run by members of the Wolf Recon Airsoft Team. For information about them, please visit www.wolf-recon.com.
Hosted by www.Geocities.ws