Operation Honduras 2008-2009

Operation Honduras “OH” is a group of Northeast Pennsylvania volunteers who travel to San Pedro Sula, Honduras, annually.  The week long annual trips are dedicated to improving the quality of life of orphans and other people living in that area.  Success of the trips is made possible through the help of in-country volunteers.  Generous sponsors of this group include: local churches; including Westminster Presbyterian Church, Church of Christ Uniting, & St. Mary’s/St. Joseph’s Church; local clubs including Rotary, and many individuals.  Volunteers regularly travel to the work sites prior to main group arrival for planning purposes. Updated information available on our website: www.geocities.com/operhonduras

What Northeast Pennsylvania volunteers plan to do

Summer, 2008: OH volunteers will assist Starkey Foundation in preparing for the delivery of hearing aids to another 1000+ Honduran and Guatemalan patients by traveling to: 7 audiology testing sites including 6 visited in February in Honduras and 1site in Guatemala City, the latter site for the first timeJ, to collect exams and impressions and deliver needed testing & fitting supplies including impression material.  We hope Starkey will schedule the delivery date upon receipt of 1000+ exams and impressions  (TWO IMPRESSIONS EACH!).  If we provide them the needed exams and impressions before August, we hope they will schedule an event for November, 2008; we will deliver more this time than last November making this again the biggest hearing event in the history of lower Central America and providing aid to Guatemala for the very first time.  Volunteers will also review construction projects for February 12-19, 2009.

February 12-19,2009: OH volunteers will provide: construction services, oral surgery, hearing exams and much more to the neediest of our Honduran friends.

What Northeast Pennsylvania volunteers have done:

February 14-21, 2008:       OH volunteers (17 total) substantially completed a new school within San Pedro Sula allowing many children to have access to education in a safe environment for the first time in their lives.  Volunteers also traveled to 6 audiology testing sites: Teleton Teguc, Teleton San Pedro Sula, CAMO, La Ceiba, La Entrada & Roatan; to meet with medical leaders each of which enthusiastically supported another Gift of Sound event.

November, 2007: Gift of Sound  OH volunteers (the magnificent 7 J )assisted Starkey Foundation in delivering hearing aids for 1266 needy patients; I believe this was the biggest hearing event in the history of lower Central America!

February 14-21, 2008:       OH volunteers (25 total) substantially completed a new kindergarten classroom outside Complete 2 major construction projects, provide free oral surgery and dental care and hearing exams to patients otherwise unable to afford them.  Additional projects will be determined depending on number of volunteers and donations.

February 18-24,2007: OH volunteers (25 total) substantially completed a new kindergarten classroom outside Chuloma and a small masonry addition to a effectively free clinic in Roatan, Bay Islands.  We performed free oral surgery and other dental work as well as provided free hearing exams & impressions for patients otherwise unable to afford them.  The latter effort will allow us to deliver hearing aids for 1000 needy patients in May, 2007 due to Starkey Foundation’s generosity.

February 16-23, 2006: OH volunteers substantially completed a three room clinic outside Chuloma, Honduras approximately 20 minutes drive from San Pedro Sula in addition to providing free oral surgery and hearing exams for approximately 120 patients otherwise unable to afford them. 

August 11-15, 2005: Hearing aids for 107 needy patients were delivered to Teleton Clinic.  THANK YOU! STARKEY FOUNDATION!  OH volunteers personally fitted 87 patients with wonderful help from Dr Flores.  One construction project, three room schoolhouse outside Chuloma, was selected from several inspected/reviewed during this trip.  Beautiful, 100% completed school at La Union was dedicated with television coverage and many dignitaries.

February 17-24, 2005 Volunteers substantially completed a five room schoolhouse at La Union, Honduras.   The OH Medical

team provided badly needed basic dental care for approximately 70 orphans at Emanuel Childrens Home as well as free oral surgery

to patients including a young 16 year old orphan from El Refugio.  This patient had a severe accident; the Solfanellis giving her

October 28-Nov 2nd, 2004: Wonderful Starkey Foundation representatives lead us in the delivery of enough hearing aids to allow over 208 needy patients, mostly children, to receive the gift of sound!  This trip also served to review and select construction and medical projects for the upcoming February 17-24, 2005 volunteer trip.

February 12-19, 2004: 22 OH Volunteers: substantially completed a new schoolhouse for Project Mama, an orphanage outside San Pedro Sula; performed finish work to a residential facility at Amor Y Vida, an orphanage for sick children, most HIV positive; performed free oral surgery on needy children at Ruth Paz ‘free’ Clinic; provided audiological exams and take ear mold impressions for needy children in San Pedro Sula & Trujillo areas and coordinated newly established medical projects through Rotary.

October 23-28, 2003: Volunteers attended Conference on Honduras 2003 held in Copan Ruins and selected projects.

May 29-June 3, 2003: Volunteers delivered hearing aids to 111 needy patients tested during the OH February, 2003 trip to that country.  Due to the generosity of Starkey Foundation, wonderful efforts by in-country & OH volunteers, a donation of only $50 per hearing aid was necessary to give this gift of sound and allow a child to hear possibly for the first time in his or her life.  

February 13-20, 2003: 13 OH volunteers substantially completed a vocational building at El Refugio, a quickly growing orphanage outside San Pedro Sula.  The building will be dedicated to those lost in the space shuttle Columbia disaster.  Steve Solfanelli, MD & Beverly Solfaneli, RN performed free oral surgery on patients that would otherwise not be able to afford it at the Ruth Paz ‘free’ Clinic.  A three (3) member audiological team provided free hearing exams and or impressions for 111 needy patients at Teleton.  The Solfanellis solicited a dental chair and unit valued between $3500 & $5000 which OH volunteers packed & delivered to the Ruth Paz Clinic.  Levanthal was the source of the generous donation.

October 24-29, 2002: Volunteers traveled to Honduras to plan projects for the upcoming February trip. 

May 31-June 5, 2002:  OH volunteers deliver approx. $250,000 worth of donated hearing aids  to children tested during the previous February trip!  This donation allowed over 130 patients to receive the gift of sound thanks to Starkey!

February 14-21, 2002: One substantially completed project was a approximately 1200 s.f. masonry residential facility at “Amor Y Vida”, “Love and Life”, a local orphanage for sick children, many of which are HIV positive.  With permission from the New York City Fire Department, captain of Engine 10/Ladder 10, Liberty St., NYC, and representatives of Amor Y Vida, this building was dedicated to the five (5) firemen from Engine 10/Ladder 10 who made the ultimate sacrifice on September 11, 2001.  Their firehouse was the first called and first to respond to the disaster.  OH volunteers traveled to ground zero to communicate this dedication.. 


The remaining projects were: delivering hearing aids, medicines/supplies, & providing oral surgery to poor patients.  The latter project is made possible by the volunteer efforts of Dr. Stephen  & Beverly (RN) Solfanelli.  The group was comprised of 21 volunteers.

October 25-30, 2001:         Volunteers confirm projects for February 2002 and deliver & implant 42 hearing aids.

May 24-29, 2001: Delivered 180+ badly needed hearing aids, molds and related materials to Honduran children tested during the February, 2001 trip.  The value of this donation is estimated to be approximately $160,000!  This success was made possible by the generosity of Starkey Foundation, Rotary Foundation and dedicated medical volunteers.  This trip served as an evaluation and planning session for February, 2002.  Volunteers delivered 3 computers and 1 printer to Teleton Clinic, SPS, Honduras.

February 15-22, 2001 (25 volunteers): Construction teams performed finish work at Amor Y Vida. Air conditioning units, generously donated by two individual volunteers, were installed in the addition to the Ruth Paz ‘free’ Clinic.  OH personnel built this addition in February, 1999.  A medical team provided audiological testing & evaluations for over 100 needy children who would otherwise not be able to afford them.  Requested donations of medicine valued in excess of $7000 were hand delivered to the Ruth Paz Clinic.

February, 2000 Construction teams built a 1200 s.f. school for Albergue De Ninos EL REFUGIO, an orphanage approximately 25 miles from San Pedro Sula.  The Director, Christof Wittwer, requested this work, prepared construction plans, and provided housing and transportation for volunteers. Two (2) orthopedic surgical chairs were installed within the new addition to the Ruth Paz Clinic for Interplast, a well organized, international group of volunteer surgeons.   A medical team provided over sixty needy (60) children with hearing exams.  Follow-up work (May, 2000) resulted in the donation of 96 hearing aids and related material valued at over $90,000!

October, 1999-Five (5) volunteers delivered and fitted over 40 hearing aids.  Construction plans were finalized for El Refugio and the Ruth Paz Clinic.  September, 1999- Two volunteers undertook a privately funded, unplanned four day trip necessary to guarantee October, 1999 delivery and implanting of hearing aids.  They coordinated or personally took impressions of hearing aid recipients' ear canals necessary to fabricate ear molds in time for October delivery.  February, 1999-Work crews built a major 1000 square foot addition to the Ruth Paz Clinic.  A technical team donated a computer and arranged for internet access to the clinic.  This allowed medical personnel to email photos of burn victims in seconds, a process previously taking several days, at a minimum.  Medicines were also donated. October, November & December, 1998-Northeast PA donors contributed over $50,000 in cash and badly needed supplies to help victims of Hurricane Mitch.  Westminster Church and Operation Honduras coordinated all logistics including collection, packaging and shipping.  Four OH volunteers departed Honduras one day after the arrival of Hurricane Mitch.

June, 1998-21 needy Honduran children receive hearing aids generously donated by The Starkey Foundation.  The value of this donation is estimated to be $16,000.  Logistics including in-country testing, review of results & delivery were handled by OH.

February, 1998—Renovations were performed to the Ruth Paz Clinic including new counter tops, general repairs, design and donation of air conditioning system.  Donations including school supplies and medicines were delivered to the orphanage and clinic, respectively.  Poor children were provided audiological testing resulting in the eventual donation of hearing aids where needed.  A new 300 s.f. masonry addition was added to the Emanuel Childrens Home.  February, 1997-Volunteers performed renovations to the Emanuel Childrens Home.  Renovations included new ceilings, partition walls, doors, and concrete floor repair for an existing kitchen.  This resulted in healthier means of food preparation.  Volunteers also helped in constructing two restrooms and shower facilities.  Brenda, an 8 year old resident of the home, is tested and provided donated hearing aids.

How you can help:

-donate: used hearing aids (Starkey credits OH account for each used aid received), anti inflammatory medications; adult & children, tablets & suspension (acetaminophen, aspirin, ibuprofen); cough suppressants; nasal decongestants; ascorbic acid;calcium;ferrous sulfate & folic acid.   Donations are hand delivered to Ruth Paz Clinic.

-donate equipment to help with additional pc based telecommunications systems similar to that used by Ruth Paz Clinic; specific examples are: laptop computers, digital cameras, portable printers, scanners, etc.

-contribute (financially) to St. Mary’s/St. Joseph’s Church, 134 S. Washington St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18703; please memo check “Operation Honduras-Airfare Fund”

-contribute (financially) to Westminster Church, 2 Lockhart St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18703; please memo check “Operation Honduras-Building Material Fund”

**Above donations go directly to materials or airfare-there are no administrative fees**

-be a volunteer; you will need to budget an estimated $1100.00 plus miscellaneous costs associated with passport, vaccinations, etc.


For more information, please contact Operation Honduras volunteers:

Jim Davenport                      Antoinette “Toni” Barto     John Prokopchak                 Jim Weaver                           Matt Petlock

Administration                     Nursing/Medical                  Construction                         Construction                         Computer/Tech

(570) 970-0650                       (570) 346-5899 res.                (570) 696-5004 wk.                (570) 474-9716                       (570)970-0650

[email protected]         [email protected]          [email protected]           [email protected]    [email protected]

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