Scene Summaries
Act 1 Scene 3:� Laertes says goodbye to his sister, Ophelia.� Hamlet and Ophelia have been seeing each other romantically, and Laertes is concerned.� He warns Ophelia not to give her love to freely.� Their father, Polonius, hurries Laertes along to his departing ship and then tells Ophelia that he doesnt want her to see Prince Hamlet again.� Ophelia promises to obey.
Act 2 Scene 1:� Ophelia tells her father of a strange encounter with Hamlet.� She reveals that she has ceased all contact with Hamlet, as her father had ordered.� Polonius decides that Hamlet has lost his mind because of his love for Ophelia.� Polonius rushes to tell the King and Queen.
Act 3 Scene 1:� Polonius and Claudius eavesdrop on Hamlet and Ophelia to try to discover if Ophelias rejection has caused Hamlets madness.
Act 3 Scene 2:� Ophelia will not open herself up to Hamlet again, and she doesnt like the way hes acting in front of everyone.
Act 4 Scene 5:� Ophelia has gone mad because of the death of her father and the loss of Hamlets love.� Everyone is affected by the change in Ophelia.� Ophelia feels wicked because she was not honest with Hamlet and now she feels she caused Hamlet to go mad.
Act 4 Scene 7:� Ophelia drowns herself. It is thought to be suicide do to all the recent sadness she had to go thought.
Act 5 Scene 1:� Ophelias Funeral.
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