######################### ## NAME: books.txt ## DESCRIPTION: This is the script file for a demonstration of the ## Fardenay game engine ########################## BACKGROUND "books.jpg" ##### HOTSPOTS ###### # Modern Physics HOTSPOT modern 65 35 109 381 # Calculus HOTSPOT calculus 110 23 177 381 # Quantum Physics HOTSPOT quantum 178 25 223 381 # General Physics HOTSPOT physics 224 20 305 389 HOTSPOT physics 306 20 373 50 HOTSPOT physics 306 224 328 379 HOTSPOT physics 306 156 319 223 HOTSPOT physics 306 116 312 155 #HOTSPOT physics 306 370 328 379 HOTSPOT physics 329 317 345 375 HOTSPOT physics 329 266 337 316 # Vector Analysis HOTSPOT vector 306 51 439 115 HOTSPOT vector 313 116 445 155 HOTSPOT vector 320 156 454 223 HOTSPOT vector 329 224 464 265 HOTSPOT vector 338 266 471 316 HOTSPOT vector 346 317 401 387 HOTSPOT vector 402 317 475 371 ##### SWITCHES ##### SWITCH "read_physics" false SWITCH "read_calculus" false SWITCH "read_vector" false SWITCH "read_modern" false SWITCH "read_quantum" false ##### ACTIONS ##### # LOOK Actions ACTION LOOK DEFAULT "This shelf must contain vast stores of knowledge" ACTION LOOK physics "That book is entitled: Physics" ACTION LOOK calculus "That book is entitled: Calculus" ACTION LOOK vector "That book is entitled: Mathematical Methods for Physical Sciences" ACTION LOOK modern "That book is entitled: Modern Physics" ACTION LOOK quantum "That book is entitled: Quantum Physics" # TAKE Actions (read in this case) ACTION TAKE DEFAULT "You can't read that!" ACTION TAKE physics "You read the physics book: \"Another example of the transformation of kinetic energy into thermal energy occurs when an object strikes the ground...\"" FLIPS "read_physics" true "You already read that book!" ACTION TAKE calculus "You read the calculus book: \"... happens in relatively few cases, and these few special cases make up much of what has been traditionally studied in integral calculus\"" FLIPS "read_calculus" true "You already read that book!" ACTION TAKE vector "You read the mathematical methods book: \"Although the triple integral is an unnecessarily complicated way of finding a volume of revolution, this simple problem illustrates the general method of setting up an integral for any kind of volume.\"" REQUIRES "read_physics" true "You can't understand that book at all!" REQUIRES "read_calculus" true "You can't understand that book at all!" FLIPS "read_vector" true "You already read that book!" ACTION TAKE modern "You read the modern physics book: \"Let us see how the quark model works in the case of the mesons.\"" REQUIRES "read_physics" true "You can't understand that book at all!" REQUIRES "read_calculus" true "You can't understand that book at all!" FLIPS "read_modern" true "You already read that book!" ACTION TAKE quantum "You read the quantum physics book: \"Firgal bal togatha and the burgle bathic of the eigen functal whirl.\" Hmmm... maybe you should try that again!" REQUIRES "read_modern" true "You can't understand that book at all!" REQUIRES "read_vector" true "You can't understand that book at all!" FLIPS "read_quantum" true "You try it again: \"Firgal bal togatha and the burgle bathic of the eigen functal whirl.\" Nope. That's what it said. Congratulations! You have attained ultimate knowledge of the universe... use it wisely!"