Mare` Tracer v. 0.0.2 -------------------------------- Author: Peter Stuart Email: -------------------------------- Description: Mare` Tracer is program that I have written to use as a testbed for trying out different graphics algorithms in all stages of image generation. The architecture should be very open, so the addition of functionality can be achieved fairly easily. Mare` Tracer is built using COM as the object model. All code is written with straight WIN32 without the aid of MFC. In doing this, I hoped to expand the portability of Mare` Tracer to other platforms, with the primary goal of running the program under Linux with WINE. Except for my screen drawing routines everything seems to run successfully under WINE. Note that this is a very very very early version, so many features haven't been added yet, and the UI is functional, but not pretty. ------------------------------- Instructions: - To add primitives to your scene, click on the add primitive button on the toolbar or use "Add Primitive" on the "View" menu. - Position and other primitive properties can be changed on "Primitive Properties" on the "View" menu. - The World Window gives a wireframe preview of the scene. Instructions for controlling camera parameters are given under "Instructions" in the "Help" menu. Camera parameters can also be changed in "Scene Settings" in the "View" menu. - To see what extensions are loaded go to "About Extensions..." on the "Help" menu. - If you get an error when you first load the program stating "Directory is invalid or does not contain extensions" Go to "Preferences" on the "File" menu. In the "Extensions Path" edit field, type in the path of the extensions folder. Click "OK". Now click on "Reload Libraries" under the "File" menu. All of the extensions should be loaded now. ---------------------------------- License: I am releasing Mare` Tracer and all support libraries that I have written for it under the GPL. See accompanying License.txt for more information.