The Ophiuchvs Recordvs Label

Wicca Man

Line up

Jon Cousins - Vocals, Guitar

Gary Price - 4 Course Cittern, Melodeon

Paul Wilson - Bass

George Laidlaw - Drums



Roots/Rock crossover Wicca Man were formed by Ophiuchus' singer/guitarist Jon Cousins, and former member of Pressgang and the Whiskey Priests, Citternist Gary Price in 1991.

Originally concieved as a "Live" band to satisfy the demand for Ophiuchus, (once that band had ceased touring), Wicca Man went on to record two albums for the Ophiuchvs label.

The band performed their last concert (to date) in Bristol, on St. Patrick's Night 1993. Shortly before the release of their commemorative live album "It Wuz Nee Me, I Wuz Nee There" (OPH005).

There are no plans for the band to record or perform together at present, but both Wicca Man albums were re-issued by Ophiuchvs Recordvs on 22nd September 1997.

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